LORE: Lifeforms

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These are also in alphabetical order

Arangadon- Arangadon is the spirit dust created out of the prettiest flowers in Dawn. Arangadon is able to produce a type of corruption within the one who sniffs its pollen. This will mix two emotions into something. Sometimes the emotion will be something like extremely furious or a mix of sad and mad. However some of the mixes can be another form of danger. Like furious and happy. There's many combinations that sound innocent and happy but could be dangerous.

Darreldone- This is the largest forest in Dawn. It is known for its secrets behind anything and everything. Darreldone has a lot of rain showers too, it's typically known as one of the more pollenated plants. There's a lot of different lifeforms that live within this habitat and it's under preservation. It's a tourist spot and a place to camp with restrictions of course. It's known as a beautiful place during the spring, summer and autumn. During the winter it's known as a winter wonderland.

Dune Cave- This cave is also known as the cave of memories. This is where people go to look for their lost memories. The legend writes the tale that those who come into this cave are blessed with the best memory ever. However it's only a legend created during the ancient times of Dawn. However, there's a possibility those who seek the forgotten memories don't remember anything at all. It's all a mix of a possibility of receiving the lost memories or not receiving the lost memories.

Forest Earthfall- The place where all shadows of the past come to skate alongside you. It plays a soft melody as you skate around. Maybe you'll see a face of the past drifting along the skating rink alongside you. It was once known as an empty forest without any life within it whatsoever. However as time went on, Dawn had made this place one of the most gorgeous places to ever exist within Dawn. The forest is under preservation and is a tourist spot. It's extremely rare to get a camping privilege for this place since camping could harm the natural beauty.

Icy Mist- Icy Mist is a snowy mountain located between Fodlan and Ylisse. This is known as one of the snowiest areas in Dawn since no matter what time of the year it is, it will forever be snowy. Similar to Forest Earthfall, there's an ice rink where people come by and skate. However you aren't able to see figures as you skate around the area. However it's best known for the winter beauty. It's also known for the mountain ranges, since there's a lot of mountains in the area. Generally, a beautiful place.

Lilaundera - A desert located in Dawn northeast near Ylisse. This is one of the few deserts located in Dawn. There are only five deserts but, tons of rainforests. This desert is unique because it happens to get more rainfall than a usual desert on Earth. It can get extremely hot and is near impossible to live in so people usually visit for the natural beauty. It's dry and the rainfalls help with the dry area but not a whole lot. Especially with the heat of the sun. Lily (short for Lilaundera) can go up to 49 degrees Celsius.

Moonstruck Arangadon- They are blue midnight blossom flowers. They were said to be destroyed when Midnight was destroyed. However, there were about 10 of them who did survive. If you sniff the pollen of this flower, your mind is corrupted until you can no longer recognize yourself. As time went on, more and more flowers were produced making them a dangerous life source.

Mountain Abbirecea- (Abby-re-C-a)This is one of the oldest mountains to ever exist. These are around the edge of dawn's north area. Goddess Liva is said to have died within these mountains due to the blizzards. Lots of legends tell the tale that if someone dies here in Mount Abbirecea, people will bless the family that lost their dear loved one. However it's not confirmed for this fact to be true or not. However, during the seasons that aren't winter, Mount Abbirecea is a beautiful tourist destination.

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