LORE: Dawn The Character

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Dawn was a person that was filled with joy and happiness. However, this was all covered by the fact the way she was originally created. Dawn was a person that was very carefree and loving. She was a lovable person and beloved by all the people of Dawn. She fell in love with Midnight after learning about him, however that relationship wouldn't last for long. Dawn was always so busy and had little time for Midnight, which was unfortunate because she wanted to hang out with Midnight more often. However, her duties continued to wash her up in distress. She wanted to be this perfect model of what the perfect Goddess would be. She eventually drowned herself in all her work and eventually forgot about who created her, who she loved, and who Midnight was.

When she set herself free from her work she was able to create a better life for herself and her people. However, there was one obstacle that was continuously stepping in front of her path. That was Midnight, he was a person who wanted to "ruin Dawn" so Dawn decided to protect herself by fighting back at Midnight. Midnight didn't want to hurt Dawn but Dawn always assumed that whoever stood in her path would want to hurt her in some form. Dawn wanted to make sure that Midnight was not going to ruin her "perfect" image. But in reality, the two were ruining the images they believed they had. 

Dawn had left Midnight in the dust in order to fix herself from the distress she placed on Midnight. At this time Dawn had no idea who Midnight was and thought he was a threat to Dawn. Dawn continued to work on her plans for the World of Dawn. She didn't know what the people wanted but she didn't bother to ask the people of Dawn about the situation at hand. She continued to drive herself to work and eventually drowned herself in her work. Overworking herself until she got sick one day. When she got sick, she was unable to fulfill her duties so Midnight took over her roles for that one day. However, no matter how hard he tried, Dawn found a way to destroy him more. Dawn wanted to make sure Midnight was not going to hurt her people. 

The more she stayed away from her subjects, the more she feared that Midnight would make them forget who she was. So she got out of her resting place and stopped Midnight from doing anything more. She took back her roles and shoved Midnight out of her way. Midnight was going to ruin her plans so she made sure that Midnight would not touch anything in her hands. However, both had intentions that would later destroy their trust in each other. The relationship between Midnight and Dawn got worse and worse. Soon Dawn had shut Midnight out of her life and "killed him" off. Dawn was finally able to rule in peace after Midnight had died.

Life on Dawn went on as normal, there was nobody to disturb the wonderful peace Dawn had placed. Dawn was ready to continue her life as the "perfect" ruler she was. She believed that the world she created was going to be the perfect one. The right one, the one that was going to save everyone from the darkness Midnight had brought. She continued to make her subjects proud and everyone believed she was the chosen God. She was there to help the people of Dawn to live on in perfect harmony. She was the chosen one. She was there to save everyone on Dawn.

Many years have passed since Midnight was "killed" and nothing was happening. That was until there was an attack on the southeastern shore of Lilaundera. It was being attacked by a sea vortex of devastation. This sea creature wanted to destroy Dawn the world and the person herself. Dawn had ordered her protectors to rush over to help protect Lilaundera. She had never seen anything like this and believed that this was the work of Midnight's remaining. However it wasn't, this was the case of a creature of destruction. No matter who was ruling at the time, it wanted to destroy the land around it. And so, the grand battle began, so many groups of life continued to fight against the grand sea creature.

This battle went on for several days, weeks, and soon... months. The creature refused to yield down and there was nothing to stop it. No matter what happened, there was no escape from this sea creature. It was out to destroy all the life on Dawn. Dawn had figured out a way to destroy this creature. So she used some of the electrical energy stored away from all life. This power was one of the few ones Midnight had used to protect people. So using that strength she was able to seal away the creature back down into the sea. Nobody knows when the creature will rise again but it was sealed away for as long as one can remember. The world was at peace again but wouldn't be at peace for much longer.

After so long Midnight made his grand return. Threatening all the life that he would destroy them if they didn't praise him. Dawn on the other hand didn't allow for this to happen and ordered her protectors to destroy him. This transformed Midnight into the God he is known today. A God surrounded by the darkness around him. He was no longer able to fight for the light. After a grand fight Midnight won by ultimately sealing away Dawn and her protectors. Midnight was now the new ruler of Dawn and there was nothing for her to do. She continued attempting to fight back for her life. Desperately trying to do everything in her power to destroy Midnight and to save her subjects...

After a few thousand years, she finally broke free by saving her subjects with her protectors. However, one of her protectors had betrayed her and sided with Midnight. Then the God fight began they continued to fight against each other's will and did everything in their power to destroy the other team. Dawn had ultimately won and sealed away Midnight in a vault. She fixed her world and changed it back to the way it was originally. However, Midnight was not done. Midnight rushed over to destroy Dawn again but his plan failed as he was murdered by Dawn. Dawn had enough of his foolishness and she believed that once he was gone, the world of Dawn would become a better place.

She continued to rule in peace however, there was a twisted side of her that nobody knew about until thousands of years later. She was a destructive person who wanted to ruin the lives of others. This began when she murdered Midnight right in front of the eyes of his own son... Micheal. She sealed this identity of herself for many generations to come. Not many people knew about this twisted soul of Dawn but it was there. However, she was always appearing as kind and generous.Dawn continued to rule her world until Erica was created. Her daughter was filled with love and peace. She continued to create a perfect land for her subjects but the more she ruled... the more she realized the mistakes she did. She continued to realize that the mistakes she continued to make were destroying. She eventually found herself becoming overwhelmed with these ideas, and thus... she was stepped down from the role. Still protecting Dawn but... she no longer believed she was able to live on peacefully. Erica was becoming older with age and Dawn believed it was time for her to take her role.

But behind her back was Michael plotting everything for his revenge, every little step he took was going to be made for revenge. Dawn had ruined his life and it was time for him to ruin Dawn's life. Dawn continued to live on peacefully but everything was going to end soon. Day by Day, night by night, the sight of anticipation continued coming. That was coming over and over again. Eventually, the day had come, Erica was going to be crowned Queen of Dawn. Dawn was ready to put the power in her hands but that was interrupted when Michael stole Erica's crown. Michael ordered Dawn to not give Erica the crown but Dawn refused to listen to Michael. She tried to fight for the crown but it was no use. Michael had used the crown for his doing. He was going to kill Dawn.

Dawn realized that at the very moment that Michael stole Erica's crown... she made so many mistakes there was no redemption. No matter how hard someone told her that everything will be okay and that she will be forgiven, she couldn't run from her mistakes. Michael had the very presence of Midnight. The soul that was destroyed by her doing, she had destroyed Michael and this was her fault. Michael had brutally murdered Dawn right in front of the eyes of Erica. Eventually, the world all fell apart, Michael and Erica only wanted the worst for each other and there was nothing to change that. Dawn made her way into the homeland of gods (aka heaven) and spotted Midnight. However... Midnight was unable to forgive her for hurting him, there was no way for Dawn to redeem herself. 

The story ends there as we are left wondering what could have happened if Dawn wasn't murdered at the hands of Michael. If Midnight and Dawn actually cared and supported each other. If Dawn didn't have that twisted dark side to her. That's up to you to think about, but Dawn once said...

"Perhaps if you weren't so idiotic in yourself, maybe you would believe that things will change. Someday, you will be forgiven, or maybe you won't. That's how life is... nothing but stress as the days come."

Getting To Know Dawnحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن