LORE: Dawn's Past Lore

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The Beginning

Ashya was the one that is said to have created Dawn long ago back when the world was created. However it's unsure what happened to them, what they even looked like and what they did before disappearing from the face of time. Alongside them, they created two children that they wished would take care of Dawn. But in the process they made them two mortals by accident. In return they were afraid, they lost their sibling Ash a long while ago and was afraid to lose more people. Their two children died and were rebirthed into a god and a goddess however he disappeared soon after that. Davon and Deliah were their names.

Davon and Deliah were good kids, however overtime Davon started to isolate himself and had a deep friendship with Apollyon the Demon saint. However Deliah was tormented overtime and descended into darkness. She became Hephaestus, the demon goddess of the underworld. Davon also descended into darkness where he became the god of Midnight. Calling himself Midnight in return. Dawn and Liberty were the two gods that took care of Dawn in Ashya's place. However Liberty was banished away into the fantasy realm. Dawn was tasked with taking care of Dawn on her own.

Many years later Midnight and Dawn created their children; Dusk and Nune. They were fine with one another until Dawn tragically brutally murdered Midnight in front of Michael's eyes. After those events it was known as peaceful and happy. That was until Micheal came in, Erica was just about to be crowned the queen of Dawn but... Micheal had stolen her crown and murdered Dawn. Now he was out for revenge, he was out for despair. He was changing Dawn, leading to a different future than what one would believe.

The Despair

The despair had arrived. Michael was going to do more than meets the eye. He was going to change the world from what it's peaceful self to a land of horrors. This world was his to rule and so he had to do something about it. This world... was destroyed. Michael had taken the hands of the new stars and turned them into dust stars. These stars are the 20 heroes of the past, which we have all come to know as the original despair. Michael had rebirthed the place into something new, something for him to come to be. He loved his children, and these heroes were nothing but trouble. As such these children had helped him in his mission to destroy the peace Dawn had created.

After some time the land was finally reformed into darkness and terror. Michael had his land he was able to call home. These children had formed a world for him to live in and finally he had the justice he wanted. All he wanted was a world where he could rule under nothing horrible. He was finally granted that wish and his world was finally his to rule. He had worshippers, everything he could ever dream of, a world fill with nothing but terror. A world to terrorize and a world to keep the peace away. It was nothing but chaos, and he was happy with this world of chaos. It was a way to showcase that he truly loved his people and that he was free from the nightmare.

What is going to happen now? Well let's head over from Michael to his children. His children were there to help keep the "order" that was Midnight. His children were known as the heroes of the past in the later time but let's resume back to the despair time. These children are the ones that turned Dawn into Midnight and they were proud of their efforts. Something else they ended up doing was to manipulate previous Dawn folks into nothing but utter despair. They would do this repeatedly because they wanted to make their lord happy. Michael was the only person they wanted to see happy and so they did all of this just for him. Was it a good idea? Well to the children's eyes, they believed it was.

They had a lot of members of the despair foundation. These people, they believed that their world was the only thing that was going to live on. Dawn wasn't going to ever come back and they would do anything to make sure it won't come back.

Unfortunately I cannot give much information about this place as it will be fully fleshed out during the trilogy of despair events. 

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