LORE: Michael

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He was a young cheerful boy, he cared about not much in life. The only thing he really cared about was his father, Midnight. Michael didn't have much to look up to and believed that Midnight was his only source of happiness. Midnight was there to protect him and that everything was going to be alright. That was how life was for Michael. A sweet young boy with a mindset of pureness. He was a person who wished that people would love each other the way Midnight loved him. Although by this point, Midnight was surrounded by darkness. That didn't mean he didn't love his son, as they were closer than one could ever imagine. They were happy with each other and neither one believed one was going to let go of the other.

The days continued to pass by as Midnight and Michael lived in peace. The two were both having a relaxing time with each other when suddenly Midnight was banished from Dawn for a short period of time. That left Michael in the dust, wondering where his father went. He was filled with anxiety and he was afraid to ask someone about Midnight. The only person he could ask was Dawn but all he could think about was how Dawn was a monster for trapping the person loved away from his life. Eventually, Midnight found a way to escape and went back to caring for Michael. Michael was finally happy again realizing that Midnight was back and he was there to protect him.

That was the case until something tragic happened. It was an ordinary day, Midnight and Michael were living in their hideout spot. They were enjoying themselves on a nice cool sunny day. Michael was happy that his father was with him until Dawn interrupted this day. She grabbed Midnight and threatened him, demanding that he would give her information about the past. Michael tried to stop her but Dawn shoved him out of the way. No matter what he did, Dawn was always in his way. Michael wanted to stop Dawn but how was he able to stop such a powerful being. There was simply no way he could stop her.

But there wasn't a way, so in the end, it was the exchange of something horrifying. Midnight was brutally murdered in front of Michael's eyes. This was traumatizing to little Michael when this happened. His father, who finally returned, was destroyed because Dawn was being destructive, she wanted Midnight gone no matter what happened. So she would do everything it would take to harm Midnight and his little son. Michael was in such much distress, he was unable to fight through the never-ending horror. All the blood, scattered across the room, was Michael's breaking point. He was unable to forgive Dawn for her actions, he was no longer able to trust anyone. This had destroyed Michael and drove him insane, insane in the same way Midnight was. Neither had evil intentions in the first place but... Dawn was the reason they were destroyed.

After fighting against the horrific events of Midnight's death, Michael had one thing in mind and that was to destroy Dawn for killing his father. He grew older at a quicker rate due to these events, he had to take care of himself so he had no choice but to grow up. He was so distressed from those events that he wanted to forget those ever happened. Forget the fact Dawn was a destructive person, forget that Dawn ever wanted to destroy him. But the memories kept rushing back, every time he tried to forget, it returned. Micheal had enough and wanted to destroy Dawn at long last. So he planned it all out. He was going to ruin Erica's ceremony day.

Michael waited for days to come, driving himself into more and more darkness and insanity. He was driven insane, and there was no return. He became more with the darkness with each passing day. Driven completely insane, driven into insanity, there was no escape and nothing for someone to do about. He wasn't going to come back to the gentle soul he used to be, he was a soul of complete and total darkness. He and Midnight were no different but rather souls of each other. They were lost souls driven into madness by one person that was supposed to make things in life... "better" which came out to be all false.

Soon the day had arrived, Michael was ready to ruin Dawn and Erica's days. He arrived at the ceremony day and stole the crown from Dawn's hands. The extreme power in the crown was the key to allowing him to destroy Dawn once and for all. So he threatened her to give the crown to him or she will die. Naturally, Dawn refused to listen and tried to fight for the crown back. But it just didn't work, so Michael put on the crown and used the energy inside it to destroy Dawn. Murdering her in front of Erica's very eyes and several other citizens. He was driven into madness that there was no escape from it. Eventually, this is what made Michael's and Erica's hatred to each other. They hated each other and there was no turning back. Nobody was going to forgive the other group and soul they created a fight between them.

Michael won the fight and transformed Dawn into Midnight. He was insane and wanted to drive his people insane realizing what Dawn did was disastrous and nothing but utter failure. His heroes were the heroes of the past timeline, and such he created war against Erica. Erica wasn't sealed away but rather so, very weakened down. So with the help of her subjects who wanted to protect her. They sealed away Michael for the next thousands of years. Michael was locked away from Dawn and couldn't see anything happen to his life. His subjects were destroyed in the war and there was nothing for him to do. Michael believed this was his punishment for destroying Mother Dawn, but he refused to believe that.

He was later on released from his seal barrier 4 thousand years later and spotted how different Dawn was but that didn't mean people didn't stop loving him and praising him. Erica wanted to brainwash the people to stop loving Michael and saying that he was a bad person. But the heroes at the time refused to believe that, believing that Michael had some reason to be a bad person. Hearing this made Michael realize that there was a chance for him to redeem himself and become a good person or drive the subjects still loyal to him insane. So after deciding, he wanted to drive the subjects loyal to him insane as well. Which worked out in the end, a lot of his subjects were driven into madness. They would do anything to make him happy.

However, there was only one group of people that weren't affected by the change of madness. Those were the heroes of the past. They loved Michael and praised him but weren't driven into madness. Instead, they were kept the same they were before, there was no difference in how the heroes acted. The heroes would do different things for him but never to the extreme measurements. But that's all Michael wanted to see, he kept himself low on the ground and made sure that Erica wouldn't spot on what he was doing. However, by doing this he was only pushed down onto the ground more, being less and less recognized.

Eventually, more time passes by and there were worshipers here and there but they weren't relevant as usually before. However, there was one thing Michael ended up remembering and that was the sea vortex creature. By this time it was the future generation praising their protector Gods. So he decided to make sure this opportunity was not going to be wasted. He remembers the creation being sealed away by Dawn and so, he broke the seal and released the sea vortex. This was brought upon the peaceful lands of Dawn. This was one of the many strange water attacks that were brought upon by Michael. However, there was only more to come.

Michael had destroyed many lives in the previous timelines, however, this was all because he has been living in denial and guilt. This insane man was driven into madness by the same person who was supposed to care for him after Midnight died. After all that forgiveness and begging, he wanted nothing but ruins to the world of Dawn. So this was his plot to destroy all the life of Dawn, this is what he wanted to do to the people. The protector Gods continued to fight for their lives against this sea creature. The fight originally went for 3 months however this only took the protectors plus the mortals one single day.

The story leaves off there as we are left wondering what could happen in the future. Will Michael be killed off? Will Michael and Erica be able to redeem each other? Will more terror venture across the lands? It is all up to you to think about, what will happen in our future timeline.

"The only correct decision is my own. That's why they're suffering... we believe in ourselves before others, this HAS to end!"

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