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Jon leads me to the other corridor of the top floor towards the end where Patrick's office is located. He opens a door to our left and pushes me in. I stumble on my feet slightly but soon realise I am in Jon's room. It's like William's, bigger with a decent-sized bed, couch and coffee table and a door to his own bathroom. Jon has books everywhere, a bass and an amp in one corner and... posters of kittens on his walls.

Jon is staring at me, his eyes cold as stone. "I thought we had an understanding," he barks at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I counter instantly.

"No idea at all, huh?"


"Please, Ryan, don't insult my intelligence," he snaps. "Brendon told me."

My plan of denying everything instantly crumbles down. Brendon told Jon about us? But... just yesterday, Brendon said how he doesn't want the whole house knowing. And then Brendon told the guy who is responsible for the domestic newsfeed? Is Brendon insane? Fuck. Brendon told the guy who isn't going to hesitate in telling Pete the second he comes back from Brazil. Fuck. Blood drains from my face, and I am left speechless.

"Yeah," Jon says with a satisfied, bitchy tone that indicates he knows he has me. "What do you have to say for yourself now?"

"I tried, okay? I really tried!" I tell him desperately, hoping he will understand. "It's not that easy!"

Jon knows Brendon, he must understand that I can't resist the man!

Jon seems unimpressed by my explanation. "Well, what the hell do you plan to do when Spencer finds out?"

"Spencer?" I ask in confusion, and Jon nods. I shift from one leg to the other, shrugging. "Nothing, I mean, he... Spencer knows."

"He what?"

"Spencer knows about Brendon and me," I tell Jon. Spencer doesn't know of the latest developments, but I'll tell him when I see him. I'll squeal like a girl and tell Spencer how amazingly awesome Brendon is. I haven't seen Spencer around because I've been pre-occupied with Brendon the past few days.

"And Spencer is fine with his boyfriend screwing around?" Jon laughs disbelievingly.

"Um... I'm not Spencer's boyfriend. We're not together," I mutter in confusion. Jon rolls his eyes at me, and I persist, "We're not!"

"Please, I know what goes on in this house!" Jon growls. "I've been keeping an eye on you ever since rush week! When you tried to take Spencer home, remember? And you only confirmed my suspicions when you wouldn't touch my dick!"

"Excuse me?"

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