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(This chapter was translated from a russian version of the book. I couldn't find the original version of it since Anna Green removed The Black Rose Season from her ao3 account. So if the writing is a bit different than the other parts that's why. I had to correct most of theses two chapters myself after translating them so if I missed something just let me know. Also if you want to read the original version of this chapter norhterndownpour has it on their version of the fic.)

Considering I only recently got an A and decided to never let it happen again, it almost surprises me that I skip lectures the next day. I stay in bed, wrapping my arms and legs around Brendon. We don't even leave the room. We just ask one of the Sigmas to bring us a pizza when they go out to buy one. Other than that, we don't see or talk to anyone anymore. Brendon sleeps a lot. I understand that he did not sleep or eat during the short time we were in a quarrel, so he needs rest, because he is mentally tired as well as physically. I watch him sleep, sometimes falling asleep himself and waking up again in his arms.We hardly talk to each other either. I wake up as Brendon draws circles on my skin, breathing me in. I instinctively move closer to him, sleepily enjoying his touch. His fingers slide around my waist, pressing against my back and pulling me closer. We kiss, make love slowly and gently, and fall asleep again. We are healing. When I wake up on a Saturday morning, Brendon has his back to me. I rub my nose against his neck and Brendon makes a small sound in response, letting me know he's awake. "Good morning," I whisper softly, gently pressing my fingers against his stomach. "Good morning," he says sleepily, and then suddenly adds, "my king." "Um... what?"Brendon turns to me, smiling slightly.

- Your name. It means "king".

- Seriously? I ask in surprise. He nods. "Our names are of Irish origin. Yours means king... and mine means prince. Guess that makes me your prince," he chuckles. I look at him questioningly and he rolls his eyes. "I was bored and googled?" I laugh and take his lips in a kiss. "The Irish are smart people. They know what they are talking about. You are definitely my bitch." Brendon laughs loudly against my lips as he hugs me. This is how it should be every morning with him. Just like that. When we break our embrace, I tuck the strands of hair behind his ear. Ready to return to civilization? He pouts.

- Do we have to do this?

"I'm afraid so," I tell him. We had the first crisis, and we became stronger. I know, I feel it in every cell of my body. And I've had time to think, and theoretically, it could lead to disaster, but it won't happen. I told Pete what I know and I can't change anything anymore. Guilt pierces through me, but all I can do is minimize the damage. I'll make sure Brendon never finds out I'm involved in whatever happened to Jules. If anything bad happens to Jules, I'll get Brendon. I'll catch him and we'll be all right. kiss him tenderly and know that we will always be like this.


Brendon and I have become even more inseparable than before. I tell him about my D, and suggest spending some time apart every day to study. But over the next few days, we realize that we can do great things together. We start lying on my bed or Brendon's bed, he leans against the wall and I lay my head on his lap, or vice versa. We read our textbooks and his fingers don't stop stroking my hair. I should have studied for midterms, but all this time I was too focused on kissing him. It's not that we haven't prepared, but we've done a great job. We're studying on Brendon's bed in our newfound calm when there's a knock on our door. "Yes," we answer in unison, not bothering to move at all. I am happy when everyone knows that we are together. I never liked hiding it. Instead, I just let my head lie comfortably in Brendon's lap. Spencer walks into the room and shakes his hips as we study and half hug on the bed. "Brendon, I need my GBF back," he starts the conversation with a look at my boyfriend.

- Why? Brendon frowns.

- For GBF cases!

- Yeah, this whole story with gay best friends always confused me. How are they different from regular best friends? Brendon asks. "We're holding hands," I tell Brendon, though I don't feel like leaving his lap to do whatever Spencer has in mind. "And we kiss when we're drunk," Spencer puts in, and Brendon narrows his eyes. "Only if we're alone, Spence!" Spencer pouts his lips. "You keep changing the rules, Ryro!" "John would kick my ass in the first number if I didn't," I say quickly to Brendon, who glares at me and hits me on the head, gently. Spencer walks over to the bed, looking at me with puppy dog ​​eyes. "Ryan, we need to take a break from our boys!" Let's go to sleepover, I'm all set!

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