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That night, when we're curled together in Brendon's bed and he is sound asleep, I keep thinking about the whole thing.

Brendon said that he's surprised I took it so well. He thought I'd be more shocked, but obviously, he doesn't know I've been aware of his society for a long time now. And I have been at war with myself ever since he told me, but I am slowly calming down. It doesn't have to change everything.

Brendon and I are closer than before. He doesn't have to sneak around me anymore. The whole Jules thing makes me fall for him even harder, because let's face it: Sigmas are arrogant assholes most of the time. The fact that within that group is an organisation like Jules is incredible. You'd think they wouldn't give a damn.

Brendon gave me the story for that too, about the founder of Jules, who remains anonymous, of course. And it was a very inspirational story of a talented man of a humble background, exceeding expectations by getting into Swan, even more by getting into Sigma Chi Beta. And once he had achieved these things, he didn't want to be the only one to be able to do it. Brendon admitted that most of the story has probably been made up as time has passed, but it gives me hope that Sigma Chi Beta is more than a collective of self-absorbed rich boys.

I can't betray Brendon's trust, as simple as that. And Pete will never find out I have become a Servant because Jules is secretive as fuck. Pete will give me a hard time, but what can he do? I'll say I can't seem to find this secret society, and that's all there is to it.

So tonight, as Brendon sleeps all tangled up around me, I know I've found my place in the universe. Sigma Chi Beta, Jules, Brendon. I can have it all.

I press a kiss to Brendon's hair and realise I never want to sleep without him.

* * *

"So this is a good idea... why?" I ask for the millionth time as Spencer dances around the full length mirror next to his wardrobe.

"Because Jon seems a bit nervous around me," Spencer states and puts on more eyeliner. He takes a step back from the mirror, cocks his hips and checks himself out.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have cornered him and demanded that he take you out," I say, and Spencer gives me a pout. "I'm just saying!" I add defensively.

Spencer sighs dreamily. "Isn't Jon awesome, though? He's got that scruffy look, and he loves animals! And he's got pretty, pretty brown eyes..."

"And beats up shitty ex-boyfriends."

Spencer bats his eyelashes at me. "Isn't that the most romantic thing ever?"

I check the time from my phone and say, "We're late."

"It's fashionable to be ten minutes late!"

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