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Taehyung held out a hand and stopped his friends just as the door to the club they were about to enter swung open and a magical apparition passed through, immediately catching his eye. The girl's beautiful face was like that of an ice statue, without an ounce of emotion written on the outside, but her eyes that languidly passed over his face, that look was deadly and made his blood boil.

Immediately after her, a man, probably Taehyung's age, jumped out of the club, followed by another girl who was timidly hanging on his arm, hiding behind his back and looking in horror at the angry fairy, who stopped a few steps away from Taehyung and his friends, with hands on the chest, legs slightly apart and looking at the newcomers.

"Enough Maya, it's not what you think!" the man's voice was low, but his irritation was clear. "But of course it's not what I think!" shot the fairy coldly and forlornly, raising an eyebrow. "It's normal, while your boyfriend is drinking his drink, his tongue slides down the glass and ends up in the mouth of the nearest whore! I was just being a bit dramatic, sorry baby, forgive me" Taehyung almost burst out laughing from the amount of irony in the voice of, what did that jerk, Maya? 

"You know, I'm sick of it!" snorted the man and pushed the girl away from him, walking past Maya. "I'm sick of your jealousy, you're a crazy bitch who needs treatment!" Taehyung's eyebrows shot up curiously, and a chuckle came from behind him. "What did you call me?" his gaze returned to Maya, a gasp was heard to his left, and the man stopped a step behind Maya and somehow turned too abruptly. "CRAZY!" he repeated legibly and Maya relaxed her hands, sighing.

"No, not that, repeat the other" her eyes somehow found Taehyung again and their eyes met, she lowered her brows and scanned him up and down, aside from anger and something else flashed in her eyes and he smirked. "Bitch?" the moment ended, now her gaze turned to the unfortunate man, who had apparently signed his death warrant.

"That's right, I thought I didn't hear right" Taehyung locked eyes with her again for a moment. Maya smiled at him and his heart skipped a beat, but that was short lived before Maya took two steps backwards, level with the jerk who was clearly now her ex-boyfriend and her fist slammed into his stomach, snapping him in two . "Awww, I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" Maya asked looking back at Taehyung who was still smirking.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung walked towards Maya, but someone tried to stop him, he just pulled his hand away without even looking at who it was. Maya's gaze attracted him like a magnet, her eyes never left him and seemed to be calling him like a siren's song. She seemed to no longer notice the man at her feet, all she did was silently wait. The air around the two of them heated up with every step that Taehyung took.

He stopped in front of her, their bodies almost touching, Taehyung reached up and caressed her cheek, two fingers tracing the line of her jaw before they moved down and his hand wrapped around her neck, lifting her chin. Her lips parted slightly, his gaze followed as the tip of her tongue moistened them and her teeth sunk seductively into the corner of her bottom lip.

"How fast are you run,handsome?" her melodious voice made his body shiver and he raised an eyebrow, lowering his gaze as her hand slipped under his jacket, his abs tensing under her fingers. His eyebrow shot up as her hand stopped, and then she jerked it away, pulling out his gun, which had been resting meekly in its holster at his side until now.

Maya smiled charmingly, running the muzzle of the gun up his chest and under his chin. Taehyung didn't even flinch, the way she looked at him, the way she held the gun under his chin, no woman had ever turned him on so much. His arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her hard against him. "And you, do you like adrenaline, baby?" Taehyung asked in turn and leaned in, closing the distance between their lips.

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