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"Watch out!" Taehyung ran with all his might towards Hoseok, ignoring the pain in his left thigh and trying to get there before the bullet hit its target. Hoseok turned at his shout, blood dripping from his eyebrow, he stepped back, trying to protect himself by shooting at regular intervals, but the three running towards him had heavier and faster weapons.

Namjoon got there first, his heavy body knocked Hoseok down and covered him like a shield, several ragged muffled shots rang out, one landed in the eye, the second flew back with a bullet in the forehead, the third froze and panicked, seconds later, he fell to his knees and grabbed his throat, and Jin towered behind him.

"We need to find cover!" Namjoon stood up, helping Hoseok. The two of them looked around in all directions. "If we stay out in the open, we don't stand a chance!" Jungkook leaned his back against Jin. "And our people are pinned down, if we or they retreat it's done for both sides" growled Taehyung, finally reaching the others. "Has anyone seen Yoongi?" Jimin looked around worriedly more for their friend than because they were surrounded and had no way to retreat.

"I think he stayed back" Jin shook his head, reloading his gun as the six, in a circle with their backs to each other, moved slowly for cover. "Alone?!" Najoon almost screamed and shoved Jungkook hard, when a shot rang out, Jungkook quickly regained his balance and the six began shooting their way through.

"If we get away, I'll kill him!" Jin rolled his eyes and started reloading his gun again "You mean 'when'?" Hoseok reloaded his weapon in turn and his gaze fell on the opposite wall. "Over there" he nodded towards the wall and the group started to move towards it. "I said whatever and how I had to say it!" grunted Jin. However, their path was again cut off and they stopped, the situation was more than a stalemate.

And it was supposed to be a simple entry and exit, they only wanted information and nothing more, but after they got the first flash drive, they got a second similar one, thanks to Yoongi and Jimin. Their raids on Kang Lee's bases became more frequent and he began to grow nervous, hiring more men, arming them better, concealing himself more cleverly.

Each subsequent attack became more and more risky and more and more people were waiting for them. Kang was changing the locations of his work meetings at the last minute, so when attacked, they didn't know where he would be, and that's exactly how they found themselves in this situation.

The barricade of people around them became more and more dense, the shooting from both sides stopped, the two camps observed each other silently and appraisingly. Some were waiting for orders, others the opportunity for a successful attack. "Kill them!" the order was issued by a sweaty, slightly chubby man in his fifties, dressed in a custom-made plaid suit, biting into a cigar and reaching into his pockets casually, as if he wasn't in the middle of a firefight.

The weapons were pointed, the living chain around them moved and tightened, there was nowhere for them to run, and even if they tried, they wouldn't make more than a step before someone shot them."Guess that was it" Jin muttered, feeling a shoulder next to his. "You're probably right" Hoseok sighed, smiling slightly. "I wouldn't bet on that" Yoongi's voice sounded in their ears and the circuit was illuminated by bright headlights, making them look in their direction.

The chain moved and with shouts and screams the men ran away, trying to avoid the tires of the burning tanker, which was headed straight for them. The boys immediately took advantage as shots flew through the air and the running men began to fall one by one. The tank crashed right into the wall, cutting off the path of their attackers, the six were saved, at least for now. "Move your fucking asses, motherfucker!" Yoongi yelled into the receiver as the six of them pushed their way through the men who were left on their side of the tank.

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