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"Relax,Tae" Hoseok coaxed him and he snorted. "Don't blame him, his girlfriend is gone and that's why he's puffed up like a steamed louse" Junkook mocked. They were at the club where Taehyung and Maya had met, they were actually regulars and were currently sitting in the VIP booth while several drunk girls were circling their laps, except for Taehyung's. He did everything to push each of them away. Maya should have arrived over an hour ago and Taehyung was already on the edge of his patience, his friends' jokes only fueling his anger.

"He's just in love" Jin added fuel to the fire, giving him a slightly mocking look. "I'm not in love!" Taehyung snorted and Jin raised an eyebrow. "Prove it then" Jimin snarled at him and Taehyung immediately regretted his words, but he wasn't going to allow himself to be mocked, so, making the excuse that Maya was late and wouldn't see or understand anything, he grabbed the nearest girl and collided roughly lips in hers.

And of course, because fate was a bitch and his life wasn't bad enough, Maya had to show up at that exact moment, before he pushed the girl away. "Damn it, Tae?" Jimin pushed him and Taehyung angrily tore his lips away from the girl, glaring at him, still not noticing Maya, who was standing startled at the entrance of the booth. He followed Jimin's finger and his gaze met Maya's, which was full of anger and pain, a lot of pain.

"Doll, it's not..." he pushed the girl away and jumped to his feet, Maya turned sharply and disappeared into the darkness of the dance floor. "Holy shit!" Taehyung gave Jimin a murderous look. "Well, are you satisfied?" he roared, pushing away the drunk girl who tried to kiss him again. "What, it's not like you're in love, is it?" Jimin shrugged, raising an eyebrow. "With my stones, in my garden!" Taehyung thought. He wasn't in love, he was mad with love and because of his fucking stubbornness, instead of admitting it, he had messed things up, just like her ex.

"I'm not in love, Jimin, I love her!" Taehyung gritted his teeth and ran after Maya. "You went too far this time,Jimin, you know it" he looked at Namjoon. "How do I know the idiot would actually do it?" he huffed, he really didn't think Taehyung would kiss another girl, everyone knew he was in love with Maya, but Jimin just couldn't help but tease him.

His gaze desperately scanned the crowd as he headed for the exit. Taehyung walked outside the club to see the back of Maya's car disappear around the corner. "Damn it ,aehyung, you're a real jerk, a fool, an idiot!" he muttered under his breath as he scolded himself, making his way to his own car as fast as he could. "How could I fall for Jimin's jokes!" he thought as he scanned the streets looking for Maya's car.

Taehyung tried to call her but Maya rejected every call, finally she just turned off her phone and he called Timo. "Timo, where is Maya?" he snapped and Timo confusedly asked him if she was with him. Taehyung hung up, if Maya had come home, Timo would have seen her on the cameras, so she wasn't there. His phone rang and he immediately picked it up without even looking at who was calling. "Maya, baby..." he was interrupted by Timo's voice. "What did you do, Kim?" he asked gruffly and Taehyung got all fired up.

"If you can't tell me where she is, it's none of your business what I do with my girl!" Taehyung growled, and before Timo could answer him, he hung up the phone, angrily throwing it on the passenger seat. "Shit! Shit!" he pounded the steering wheel, his eyes still darting ahead, searching for her car. His phone signaled a message and he immediately opened it - Timo. He sent him a location and Taehyung immediately entered it into his GPS, he would thank him later.

The location was a small, hut-like, house, near a lake on the outskirts of the city. He parked out front and got out, heading for the front door. A shot and the bullet landed in front of his feet, made him freeze in place. "Get out, Maya!" he ordered, taking a step forward, hoping that she too cared enough for him not to kill him. A second bullet lodged in his legs, closer this time. "Damn it, woman! Get out!" he roared and started forward again. If she had decided to kill him, so be it, but he wasn't going to let her leave him just because he was a fool.

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