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"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Taehyung nodded absently, almost unaware that someone was saying something to him and he was responding. His eyes followed Maya's every move, the way she brushed her hair, the way her fingers propped up on the table between Timo and Yoongi occasionally twitch convulsively, the way she sometimes hits the tip of her toes on the floor as if her foot is numb and she tries to get the blood to circulate normally again. How she sometimes purses her lips in displeasure, pointing at something on one of the monitors, while the two men on either side of her nod or explain something to her.

In his eyes, Maya was perfection itself, and the more time they spent together, the harder it was for Taehyung to keep his hands off her. He thought about how long they had been together, a month, two, maybe three? There were no precedents, but it didn't matter either, time didn't exist near her, everything was relative and only she was important, she was at the center of everything for him.

Taehyung was rude and maybe seemed cold, but that's just how he was brought up, his sense of romance was a negative number and he wasn't very good at showing or expressing tenderness. But with Maya it somehow came naturally to him, he just felt the need to hug, kiss and touch her and she didn't seem to mind, or at least it seemed to him that way.

"Maya has always had a problem with men," here Taehyung listened. "Why?" he tried to mask his jealousy and curiosity and sound indifferent. "After all she's been through and considering she had no experience in relationships except..." Aunt Rin trailed off and Taehyung frowned, it was something he didn't want to remember. " Anyway, men find her clingy andtoo annoying, not to mention that she is terribly jealous. Especially if she cares about someone" the old woman laughed and Taehyung looked at her curiously. "I remember when Maya found out that Timo and Su were in a relationship. She almost castrated him" Taehyung smirked, turning his gaze to Maya again. "You're the only one who put up with her for two whole months" Taehyung huffed, again not listening to her.

Clingy, he had no problem with that, on the contrary, he even liked feeling her next to him, no matter how hot-tempered, stubborn and wild she was, she was his and only his and anyone who made the mistake of thinking otherwise would probably paid with his life. The good thing was that he didn't have to worry about this Timo anymore, once he had a relationship with the grumpy girl upstairs at the bar, he was of no interest to Taehyung.

"You're going to put a hole in the back of my head" he snarled and looked down. "Are you okay?" Maya asked and he nodded, she wrapped her arms around his neck and stood up on her tiptoes, pecking his lips. "Come let me show you something" she took his hand and led him to the small door that led up stairs to a large house behind the cafe. They crossed the living room and the kitchen and went out the door to the garage, where Maya's new car was now and next to it something completely covered with a tarp.

"Thaddaaam!" she spread her arms, pointing at the cloth and Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Come on, pick it up!" Maya insisted with a wide happy smile and Taehyung fell back into his daydreams about a fairy who possessed all his senses, captivating him irrevocably. "Come on!" she demanded again, and Taehyung stepped forward, pulling the cloth in one fell swoop. "Motorcycles?" he lowered his eyebrows. He had mentioned to her once that he loved motorbikes and that he had two, he had even given her a couple of example models that he wanted to own one day and right now one of them was in front of his eyes, or rather two.

The two track bikes of 600 cc each, in black and red colors, shone in the sunlight. Taehyung had decided on the model a few months ago, but had never found the time to buy it. Maya watched him carefully and her smile, so adorable until a moment ago, slowly began to melt. "I did it again, didn't I? I was in a hurry again and now he'll think I'm clingy, that I'm pushing things and he'll leave me, just like the previous two" she thought as she watched him silently look at the bikes without reacting.

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