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Dear Darling,

I'm breaking, like, literally breaking. I'm an iceberg on the verge of collapsing and nothing is stopping me from melting away anymore. There's no glue to hold this art piece together; its worn off. no good anymore. just like my mind. I'm going back into that rabbit hole, right after the white rabbit. But it's not white anymore, it's red with the blood that once poured from my cross-stitched scars.

Look closely, you will see. All my pain, all my sorrow, all my conflicts. its all laid out for you to see. Some are even still red and some are still bleeding under my clothes right now but you can't see that. You think I'm fine because depression has a face, and you think you know my face. but actually, that face is mine, and hers, and his, and theirs. so next time you say I'm dramatic, maybe dig a little deeper. there's blood underneath the surface you scrape with your words.

My blood.

Love B.C

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