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It's been two months since Evan was killed by the cult.

It's been a long two months. Lily's taken over as leader, the bunker group have a much more prominent role in the camp but it works well.

Supply runs are successful, but there's still the threat of the cult and the horde. And for the bunker group, there's the fear of Aaron finding them.

Conor's still having a hard time getting over Alex's death, it helps to have Daisy around to talk about it and it's good to have Cian around to keep him distracted and make him laugh.

Charlie's in charge of the supply runs, he works closely with Lily in organising them but it was weird going out there without her.

Aoife has been working with Zoe in the medic tent, it's been quiet thankfully and there hasn't been any deaths, but it's weird seeing Zoe without her bump, a large part of her died along with the baby, she doesn't talk anymore.

'I really think it'd be a smart idea,' Daisy says.
'Daisy...' Lily looks at her 'You can't be serious'.
'The cult is our biggest problem right now'.
'What about what they did to Alex? Or you and Charlie?' Lily frowns.

Daisy looks away, maybe her idea was stupid 'All I'm saying is if we all came together to fight the cult we can put our differences behind us and work together'.
'And what makes you think Aaron will do that?'.
'Only one way to find out,' she says.

'And what do we say to the people here? We lied about everything?'.
'You've done so much for them,' Daisy says 'They won't turn their backs on you now'.

'Have you told Charlie about this?' She asks.
Daisy shakes her head 'just you'.

'Soon enough we will have to start going out further for supplies and we can't do that with the cult,' Lily sighs 'Maybe we can try, let me say it at the next meeting'.
Daisy smiles 'I think it'll be good'.

Daisy walks out of Lily's tent, she spots Conor and Cian sitting in the centre, watching people pass, laughing. It's nice to see the Conor coming back that was in the bunker, as annoying as he was. Cian's a good influence on him too, he always makes him laugh.

'Hey,' Charlie smiles as Daisy walks towards him.
'I told Lily the plan, I also told her you knew nothing about it so act surprised at the meeting,' she says, she looks around, the boys are gearing up, Daisy frowns 'Are ye going on a run?'.

'Just a small one, to the school just down the road,' he says 'It's empty, we've been there before'.

'Just be safe,' she says 'been more Freaks hiding out than normal, must be breaking away from the horde'.
'It'll be grand'.
'It better be,' she smiles.
'It always is'.

   Charlie drops his bag by the door of the school, they're still boarded up since the last time they were here.

'Hopefully, nobody was in here,' Jake says.

He's a Polish boy, brown-haired and blue-eyed, he's a good build, fast and strong but ugly. Pain in the arse but Charlie has no choice but to take him with the group, his immaturity annoys the others but he's good for nothing else so they've to tolerate him.

'There wasn't much left here by the time we were done to be fair,' Paul says.

Paul's a young boy, but a big lad, he's not fast like the others but his strength makes up for it. He's probably the most level-headed out of the runners group, he always keeps his composure no matter what. He's close with Daisy too so Charlie's gotten a chance to get to know him better, he's the only one out of the runners that Charlie would call a friend.

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