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Daisy sits on a chair outside the tower, she sits by the fence overlooking the trees below. It's a nice view, there's a nice heat from the sun, she begins to relax for the first time in a long time. Then someone pulls a chair up beside her, it's Alex.

'Listen,' he says 'I know what I said was wrong'.
'I don't care,' Daisy says 'You said what you said'.
He shakes his head 'It was wrong of me but I'm scared of falling in love with you and then losing you'.
Daisy looks at him 'That's why you left? You said it was for your own safety'.
'It was for my own mentality'.
'You would've been safe at that camp,' she says 'and they were good people, we could've figured out a plan'.

'It's just hard,' he says.
'I get that, but how am I supposed to believe you?'.
He sighs 'You don't have to'.

'Just be honest with how you feel Alex, nothing's going to happen, we're both out here now and we've to live together now, there's no need for tension'.

It takes him awhile to gather all of his thoughts and speak 'I love you and I loved being with you, but I was scared that Aaron would attack the camp and kill you, I already lost you once and I'm not prepared to lose you again. It's easier for me to push you away so it'd be easier for me to fight my feelings for you'.

'Thank you for that,' she smiles softly 'It takes a lot for someone to admit that. But...a lot has happened and I can't bring back those feelings for you. I don't know if you're going to just flake on me like that again'.

He looks at her 'You're not yourself'.
Daisy looks at the view and sighs 'Dars died yesterday, well he turned yesterday, he was bitten the day before. I left him in the room of some random building in a random town all by himself, I couldn't kill him Alex. He was still Dars to me'.

'I didn't know you could turn when you get bit'.
'Either did I,' she says, she's not telling him about her, she can't let that secret out 'but Dars told me no matter what age you are the mist still kills you but a bite turns you'.
'Fucking Hell,' Alex sighs.

Charlie and Lily sit across from each other. Staring into space for awhile, then Charlie speaks up 'Did you miss me going out with you?'.
'Nope,' she says.

'You feel bad for what you did to my arm?'.

He smirks 'You're just jealous I've cool scars'.
'If that makes you feel better,' she smirks back.

'So what's the deal with Aaron?' Charlie asks 'he just left you leave?'.
'If we didn't agree with him we had to leave,' she says 'he didn't put up a fight when we said we wanted to leave'.

'He's finally been tipped over the edge,' Charlie says.
'I'm sorry for what he did to you,' Lily says.
'Well I mean you're the one that actually burnt my arm, but I'm well over his decision, trust me,' he smirks slightly.
'Well no, that was my fault, but I mean I'm sorry for not being there for you, I know Aaron used you in his little pawn to make people like him more and he went along with those rumours when none of it was true,' Lily sighs 'and I'm sorry I didn't stand up for you when Gemma-'.
Charlie puts up his hand 'enough of that soppy shit, so who are the ones that came out with you? Obviously, I know Alex and, unfortunately, Conor'.

'Cian, Lauren and Leah'.
'Never seen them before,' he says 'They definitely haven't ever been above ground with us'.
'You'll get to know them, they're putting their lives at risk'.
'True,' Charlie gets up 'I'm gonna see what the story is with Daisy'.

'Hey,' Charlie finds her sitting on a chair, watching the sunset.
'Hey,' she smiles 'you just missed off Alex'.
'Can't say I'm sad about that,' he says.

'We need to think of a way out,' Daisy says 'the bike got lost to the horde'.
'You don't trust them?' Charlie asks.

'I mean,' she shrugs 'I really don't know, look what they already did to us, how do we know it's not some plan?'.
'That's fair but I think it's different this time,' he says 'and I'm not even drunk anymore, and I don't like any of them either'.

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