Before the Bunker

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'Hey,' Daisy comes down her stairs, her pinafore is only half zipped up and her white shirt is all wrinkled.
Her mother bursts into a fit of laughter.
'What?' Daisy frowns.

'The tan, the pinafore, the eyelashes...' James lists as he eats his breakfast at the table.

'Oh fuck off,' Daisy throws her bag on the table, trying to hide her smile 'Let me do my hair and let me fix my dress and I'll be grand'.

'You look fine honey,' Emily smiles 'It's just that tan is going to ruin your shirt'.
'That's why I've five shirts, one for each day,' Daisy throws her hair into a messy ponytail and zips up her dress 'Would you be able to book my hair for next week?'.

'Am I your skivvy?'.
'I'm meeting Aaron after school so...'
'So...' Daisy can't even come up with an excuse she could easily message the salon, she just knows she'll forget.

'You know your father would kill you for meeting Aaron on a school day?' Emily takes James' bowl off the table.
'I know but Dad never approved of him anyway,' she says.
'Either do I,' James gets up from the table 'The guy's a dick, and also likes dick'.
'James!' Emily gently hits him with the kitchen towel.
'Oh come on it's true'.

'Okay, well I've to get to school,' Daisy throws her bag onto her back.
'Are you gonna eat breakfast?' Emily asks, she coughs slightly but stops herself.
'Mam you know I'm on a diet'.
'Diet, yes, but not starving yourself girl'.
'It's all the same girl'.

School was long and boring as always. Daisy didn't even like the girls she was 'friends' with.

Popular girls were never really friends, it was more just to keep up appearances and not be outcasted to the other unpopular groups.

Daisy isn't the brightest either, she could've been if she tried but not a bone in her body wants to try.

'Hey,' Daisy gets into Aaron's car.
Aaron isn't old enough to drive, he's just about to turn seventeen but his parents aren't strict and let him do whatever he wants with their car.

'How are you?' He asks.
'I just have this really weird feeling'.
'In what way?'.
Daisy chuckles a little 'This sounds weird but like this feeling of an impending doom'.
'Jesus,' Aaron smiles at her 'well I've good news'.
'What's that?'.
'I've got a free house'.
Daisy smiles slightly 'That makes me feel better'.

Daisy throws her bag onto the ground of his room and gets on his bed. His room is huge, his bed is easily king-sized, and he has a flat-screen television that he never takes his eyes off once he has his PlayStation on.

'You know Danny and Evelyn broke up?' He says as he lays next to her on the bed.
'How'd you find out?'.
'Danny,' he turns on the television 'said she's a pyscho'.
'Oh well of course he'd say that,' she rolls her eyes.
'Apparently, his mam's been quite sick too, literally started last week but the past two days she's been really bad'.
'Poor guy'.
'Yeah my parents aren't back until next week so at least I don't have to worry about them for another few days,' he says.
'When have you ever worried about anyone?' She frowns.
He looks at her 'I worry about you'.
'Maybe because I care about you,' he smiles.
She smiles and kisses him.

'Oh fuck,' Daisy looks at her phone 'shit'.
'What?' Aaron frowns.
'I was meant to be home an hour ago,' she gets out of the bed 'fucking can't be arsed dealing with this now'.
'Don't worry,' he says 'I'll drop you home'.
'Okay thank you'.

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