The Usurper from the Wilds pt.4

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"This whole plot this story is confusing... like my brain isn't braining."



The two punched their last punch and staggered back.

"Man, you..." Jack panted in between his sentence as he looked at Deuce. "You just don't give an inch..."

Deuce panted a bit. "You neither. You sure can fight."

"It's like every one of your punches rattled me to the core." Grim said

"There, there." I petted Grim

"Hah yea..." Ace groaned, messaged by sore arms. "Maybe we got a little carried away. At this point, I don't even care about making the stupid team anymore."

"You all look terrible..." Yuu pointed out

"Alright. The path ahead is clear so I'll tell you what I know." Jack gained everyone's attention

"The path? The path to what?" Ace asked as he looked at Jack

"Don't worry Ace, when you're older you'll probably have common sense." I laid down

"What did you say!?" Ace turned around

"The path my heart's telling me to walk. Remember, I'm betraying my own dorm here." Jack said, stopping Ace from talking

"Your heart can talk?? Mine just beats." I shot up and stared at Jack

"That's not what he means, Azubah." Yuu sweatdropped

"I'll teach mine to talk somehow..." I thought about ways to teach my heart to talk

"But I can't be quiet any longer! I don't care how strong the foe is! I wanna face them with my own two fists! I've been training hard for this tournament. I was excited to see how far I could go. But these cowardly schemes are making me sick! A triumph won through treachery means nothing! I wanted to claim victory on the back of my own strength and skill, and fight to defend it!"

"I think I preferred talking to his fists..." Ace mumbles

"I'd rather not..." Grim sighed

"I get it! I know exactly what he means!" Deuce exclaimed, we all looked at him unsure if that's a good thing

"That's not a good sign." Grim said

"Ruggie's signature spell..." Jack began. "It allows his targets to copy Ruggie's movements. Since he's making the same movements as the person he's controlling, he's able to make it look like an accident on their part."

"So that's how he was able to get Grim to trade without getting caught. He just put out his hand and Grim simply copied him." Ace said

"That lousy rotten!" Grim yelled out. "Now I'm angry again! Food grudges never die!"

"Wait, hold on a minute. If he was mirroring the movements of someone about to fall down the stairs, surely someone would have noticed that?" Deuce questioned

"It would look suspicious." Yuu agreed

"Ruggie didn't cause these accidents by himself. Most of Savanaclaw was probably in on it too." Jack crossed his arms


"It just gets more crazier the more you say." I made myself comfortable on the grass

"It's like you both said, someone would have noticed if he was near the targets and also mimicking their actions. It would definitely rise up some suspicion." Jack said. "So I believe he escaped notice by surrounding himself with a wall of his dormmates."

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