3. Jax

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I sprawl on my bed staring at the ceiling as boredom takes over. I reach for my phone to find something I can busy myself with. Suddenly an image of the handsome man I was with flashes in my mind.

I smile widely, trying to picture him in my head once more. His full lips, his warm contagious smile, his perfect dentition. I stop when I realize that I'm fully blushing.

I sigh, feeling the need to get myself busy, I headed to the sitting room to watch some TV. Off days from the club are usually spent with Camila, she's the only friend I've managed to make since I moved to Vegas, leaving my family behind in Seattle.

Being a stripper wasn't exactly my dream, especially after graduating from law school. But, I was never law student material, I never topped class, my CGPA was struggling and I guess after graduating it felt useless to actually be a lawyer.

I only went to law school because my parents sponsored it, that's what they wanted. I couldn't exactly go back home to my parents and throw it all in their faces that I was now an unemployed graduate, besides they already began to depend so much on me.

Things only got worse when my dad developed a heart condition. Money for upkeeps, surgery and medicine were draining, my house rent was long over due and I was going through a breakup. The pay I got from menial jobs just wasn't enough.

That's where Camila came in, we met at Angels. I went there one evening with the intention of getting wasted, we got talking and she introduced me to the manager, showed me the ropes and the next thing I knew I was on my platform heels shaking my booty to the world.

There is a knock on the door, and I whip around, shifting my trajectory from the chairs to the door. Well somebody was back so quickly, I thought.

I open the door, "Camila-"

My mouth drops, what is he doing here? I swallow, taking my time to process everything.

"What are you doing here?" I say, finally finding my voice. He sighs and runs his hands through his hair messing it up, as usual. "Ingrid I'm sorry," he says in a husky tone.

I'm caught by surprise so my only response is to let out a cackle. "Three months later, three months later Jax... And you have the audacity to show up at my place?" I roll my eyes and attempt to jam my door shut.

He slaps the door with his palm preventing me from closing it, and then slips into the house. "Jax leave!" I shriek.

Here he is again, the impulsive, hot-headed Jax who never listens to a word I say. "I took some time to think about it."

"And I hope you came to the conclusion to leave me alone," I spit, with my arms planted firmly on my hips.

"Ingrid please forgive me I already apologized," he eliminates the space between us and tries to close in for a hug.

I push against his chest, drumming my fists against them as I struggle to free myself from his embrace. "You fucked up, I fucked up, let's just move on Jax I can't do this anymore!"

"I fucked up? Ingrid nobody would support their girlfriend working in a strip club, as a stripper!"

I roll my eyes, "here we go again. Jax you know I only started working at Angels after we broke up, I was no longer accountable to you!" I yell poking my fingers into his chest.

"We broke up? Ingrid, we just took a break you never said It was over-"

"Yes I did, I literally did say it was over you never listen." I inhale deeply to calm myself, I shouldn't be getting worked up.

"Baby I'm sorry, just quit your job at Angels, I'll pay for your dad's medical bills we can be together again."

"Baby?" I scoff, "look, Jax. That's very nice of you but I can't. We were bad for each other, you need to realise that. And what I do is no longer your business please leave."

"Do your parents know you work at Angels?"

His question knocks the air out of my lungs. My mouth opened but I couldn't speak. He chuckles bitterly, "so that's a no."

"It's not your business."

"I'll tell them." He says coldly. My knees wobble under pressure. "You'll what!?" I say with anger bubbling inside of me.

"Ingrid if you don't get back together with me I'll tell your parents you work as a stripper."

"Fuck you!" I yell. "Get out!"

He turns around, "I'll give you three days."

I Pound my first against his jaw, taking him by surprise. His eyes widen as he stares at me with disbelief.

"If you love me even up to as much as half of you claim, you'd probably think about my father's heart condition before pulling a stunt like this. But of course, you don't care Jax. This is another one of your challenges. Get out."

He rubs his jaw and smiles, then he scans my body from head to toe before walking away. I feel a slight shiver at the gesture.

I slam the door shut, biting my lower lip as I pace angrily. I stomp my way to the sitting room and dive onto the couch. He's just bluffing, he has to be.

If my parents found out all hell would break loose, they're one of the most conservative people I know. They'd disown me, and even worse stop collecting money from me.

My father would rather die on his sick bed than have his stripper daughter send him money. This couldn't happen.

Just then the doorbell rings again. I clench my fists and walk to the door yanking it open. "Jax I-" I pause when I see it's just Camila. "Oh, hey," I say collecting one of the takeouts.

"Jax?" She asks sniffing around like a tracking dog. "Wait, he's here?"

I sigh. "He just left a couple of seconds ago, you didn't see him?" She shook her head, closing the door with a back kick.

"Isn't he that crazy ex of yours that came to cause a scene at Angels that time?" I cringe when I remember the incident.


Her eyes widen, "don't tell me you're back together?"

I puff, "of course not." I explain everything that just went down between Jax and me.

"What!? Does he even have that kind of access to your parents? I thought they didn't live here?"

"Yeah my parents live in Seattle, but still I'm sure he has their number. Plus I haven't exactly told them Jax and I have broken up. His mom and my mom are still good friends, my mom still thinks I'll walk down the aisle with Jax one day."

I cover my face with my palms, "I don't know what to do."

Camila pats me gently, "relax, he's probably just messing with you, don't give in to blackmail."

Jax and I go way back to about last year when I was finishing up law school. We quickly got into a relationship and it went pretty fine. Until the last few months, we started irritating each other, it was constant quarrelling, and it was getting tiring. Jax was always hot-headed but it seems things escalated.

We'd have constant screaming matches, trash the house in a fit of rage then reconcile with hot steamy sex. It was a cycle, it was getting tiring. Eventually, my father's heart condition pushed me to the edge, we had a big fight that night and we broke up, he didn't even know my dad had a heart condition yet.

A few days later I came across Angels and well, you know the rest. When Jax somehow found out I worked there he caused a scene, one that got him barred from the club.

Stuffing my face with chicken, I can only help but wonder if Jax would keep to his words.

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