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The church bells ring and the ever-boring wedding melodies begin to play. I always found them boring. Holding my bouquet, I take a deep breath and ascend the steps outside.

Gregory opens the double-sided door and just like that, all heads swivel towards me. I flash a warm smile, then proceed to meet my father. His eyes glimmer as tears fill them, he gently swipes away some with his thumb and then smiles at me, I flash a warm smile back.

I'm wearing a stoned white one-shoulder wedding gown with silver heels, my hair is styled such that a few strands rested stylishly on my face, and my makeup was simple.

Interlocking arms, we begin to amble down the aisle. The bridesmaids sprinkle roses on us as we walk past them. This is it, I'm getting married to the man I love.

I promised myself not to cry, but it seems my tear ducts weren't part of the agreement, I am already in sobs by the time my dad hands me to him. I stare at him in admiration as his lips twitch, drawing my attention to it.

"We are gathered here today in this church, to witness the joining of these two in holy matrimony..." The priest begins.

We maintain eye contact while the priest continues to recite the wedding speech, something I'm sure he must have memorised since he officiates weddings frequently.

"Marriage symbolises the sharing of two lives. This closeness should not diminish the character or being of either individual partner. As your marriage continues to grow, your
understanding of each other will continue to expand. Time and togetherness will gain for each of you a deep knowledge of each other. Today's
marriage ceremony signifies the beginning of a lifetime of wonderful human experiences to be shared
as a husband and wife.
You may now hold hands."

We hold hands and stare at each other like euphoric teenagers deep in love, his lips stretch into a smile and his cheeks cave in to form dimples, intensifying his dashing looks.

"Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and to honour her, to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others and keeping yourself into her as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked.

He looks me in the eyes and caresses the back of my palm with his thumb, "I do," he says. The priest turns to face me.

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love and to honour him-"

The double-sided door fling open, "hold it right there," Ellen barges in, she zeros in on us.

"You're under arrest," she echoes. Audible gasps escape from the onlooking guests. I turn to face him then turn back to her, "what is the meaning of this?" I ask.

"I'm just doing my job mam," she brings out a pair of handcuffs and then adjusts her grey blazer. She struts down the aisle to the alter and two uniformed men follow behind her.

I step forward, blocking her way, "let me see your warrant," I demand. She groans lightly, "fine," she dips her hands into her pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper then hands it to me. "Read it," she says.

My eyes follow the wordings line by line and I immediately grow weak in the knees, this can't be happening.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney if you can't afford one the state will provide you with one, let's go."

The cuffs click behind him. "What's going on!?" My mother swivels her head around in search of some sort of explanation, "¿Qué diablos está pasando aquí?" She screams  [What in the world is going on here]

My knees quiver and I drop to the ground, a few of my bridesmaids rush to help me. Everything is spinning, it was happening too fast. I look up to find Ellen guiding him down the altar. His eyes meet with mine, "I love you," he mouths before being taken away.

The air becomes more congested as rage plagues my mind, "Ellen!" I yell, taking my shoe off and hurling it towards the FBI agent. "Fuck you!" I scream, ignoring the reaction from the church.

Ellen picks up my shoe and looks at it slowly, then she allows her eyes to flit around me. "I'll let this one slide Delacruz, after all, it's your wedding day," she drops the shoe and it clatters as it hit the tiled floor. I collapse into the embrace of my friends as I watch my world fall apart.

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