5. Prince charming

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I feel a sharp sting crawl across my face. Whoever is by the door is not giving up. "You bitch!" He cusses.

He resumes his assault on me, perhaps coming to the conclusion whoever is standing there would leave eventually. The door handle stops shaking.

"You're all mine now," he whispers, pressing his lower member against my thigh. He plants a kiss on the hook of my neck, making me feel utterly disgusted.

I sniff, muttering silent cries. Then a loud bang reverberates in the room, causing him to flinch.

It continues, over and over again till the door flings open. "Hey! What's going on!" A voice yells.

The next thing I know Brad is dragged off me and someone is beating him to a pulp. Disoriented, I crawl to the ground and try to cover myself with pieces of my clothes.

Tears stream uncontrollably from my eyes as I cradle myself in a corner. A hand touches me, causing me to flinch.

He withdraws his arm, "Are you okay miss?" I tilt my head up.

It's Damien.

Almost as if the same thing is going through his mind he speaks, "Ingrid?"

I just stare deep into his eyes. "Here, wear this," he immediately removes his varsity jacket and then extends it to me. I collect it and slowly put it on watching as some guys drag Brad outside.

He swallows, and the bulge in his throat contracts and moves. "Are you okay, did he..." He trails off.

I shake my head slowly, "just a few bruises," I manage to say. He digs his fingers into his hair running them through it, then he makes a clicking sound with his tongue.

"Can I take you home?" He asks after a few minutes of us just standing in awkward silence. I notice some people are still looming around, trying to peep into the room. I want nothing more than to leave.

I nod then I pick up my purse. "Hey, who owns this?" Someone asks from the door. "I- it's my phone," I say, claiming the carcass of what used to be my phone. He hands it to me and I shove it into my purse.

I follow behind Damien as he leads us through the sitting room trying my best to ignore the prying eyes of the people at the party. It's even worse because the DJ had cut the music, making everywhere quiet.

Our shoes crunch against the gravel as we approached his car, it was a sleek white Mercedes Benz CLA- class. He opens the passenger's seat door for me and I mouth a small "thank you" as I hop in.

He goes around the car and enters from the driver's side. He sighs and turns to look at me. "Are you sure you're good? Should I take you to the hospital? The police station? Do you wanna press-"

I interject, "I just wanna go home," I say, coming off as cold. "Okay," he responds and revs the engine.


I crack my eyes open in the morning, instantly feeling a sharp pain in my hip as I try to move. It must have been from when I toppled over the table. I blink a few times before registering that I'm at my house and even more I'm wearing an oversized varsity jacket.

I support my upper body with my arms and bring myself to a sitting erect posture. For some reason, I can't shake off the fact that I smell like him, and it makes the butterflies in my stomach run wild.

I try to recall what happened yesterday. Car rides make me sleepy, and once he started driving and the wind hit my face I was off. Which to be fair was a dumb thing to do, it's not like I knew Damien well enough to trust him like that, but when sleep calls, it calls. He'd asked me to describe where I live, which was practically the last thing I remember discussing with him.

I think I remember him carrying me to my room too.

I get on my feet and head out, Camila perked up when she saw me. "Ingrid I'm so sorry," she ran and gave me a bear hug. I arch an eyebrow at her, "what are you sorry about?"

"If I didn't convince you to go none of this would have happened."

"It's not your fault that a rapist was at a party without his leash. Oh and, he told you?"

"Well, he had to give me a reasonable explanation why he, a stranger, was ringing our doorbell at the time of the night with my unconscious friend in his arms."

Well if she put it that way. "I wasn't unconscious, I was sleeping," I say. "Well, you sleep like a log of wood."

We both snicker.

"Where is he anyway?" I ask craning my neck around to search for him.

"He left, he said he couldn't stay long. Ingrid, he told me you don't wanna take this to the police, why?"

I sigh, "look he can easily have an alibi that he hired me as an escort and show the payment as evidence, I'm not ready to go through all that in court."

"You're a lawyer Ingrid, you should be the last person saying this." She says with folded arms.

"Well, I could go another route and charge him for physical assault but-"

"No buts you're pressing charges."

I loosen my shoulders, "okay." My stomach grumbles, indicating that it's time for breakfast. I make my way to the kitchen to get something to eat.

The doorbell rings. "Ingrid I think your prince charming has arrived." Camila teases. I close the fridge and head to the door.

I open it, smiling softly at Damien. "Hey, good morning," I mutter, almost inaudibly.

"Hey," he says, removing his hands from his pockets. "Come in,"  I say, stepping aside to give him access.

My cheeks heat up as I gawk at him. Now that it's the morning I can see his features better, saying he was handsome would be an understatement.

His olive skin, dark curly hair and jawline had me sold.

"You're starring," he says, snapping me back to reality.

I harrumph, "I'm sure you came for the Jacket, I'll uh, I'll go change." I say trying to Ignore the fact that I'd just been called out.

"I also came to check up on you, how are you?" He steps forward, his brows wrinkling. "You have a- a mark on your cheek," he says.

I rub my fingers against my cheek, tracing the lines. "That son of a bitch! I sure hope he gets run over!" Camila yells from behind us. "Oh, I made sure he paid for it," Damien says with a smirk plastered on his lips.

Yeah, Damien was the one that dragged Brad off me and battered his face. In a way, he was my prince charming, Camila wasn't too far off.

"Thank you," I say shyly. "Don't mention it,"  he says with a quick wink.

I suck my lips in and slowly walk towards my room, "I'll be back, with your jacket." I turn around, fighting the urge to jump and scream. When is he ever not hot?

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