I know you love me (Jaden Smith Love Story) Chapter 3

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"well honey, it sounds like you have a little crush" my mom said.

"mooooom stop, its not funny!!!" i yelled, and she laughed. Well i don't think its funny, she is just so annoying right now! I was about to get up to my room, when my phone said a noice. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP...

Jaden=JS   Juliet=J

JS: Hey Juliet, i really had a fun day, because of you.. But anyway do you still want to hang out tomorrow? From Jaden...<3

J: Hi Jaden<3 Year it was really fun, but not because of me,  because of you!<3 haha, and yes of course i want to hang out tomorrow!

JS: haha, you are funny<3 But okay, my dad will pick us up after school... See ya<3

J: See ya..<3

wow he was really cute!


I woke up, or my mom yelled at me "Honey, you have to get up now, i dont think you want to miss your little 'date' with Jaden Smith?" 

"MOM SHUT UP!" I yelled and she laughed. But i still didn't think it was funny. 

I got up, took a pair black shorts on, a little white top and my name necklace. "JDB"= Juliet Diana Black (Just like "Justin Drew Bieber" haha)

I put on some make up, and that morning when i looked my self i the mirrow, i thought "goosh i look good!" haha, anyway i went downstairs, ate some breakefast and went out to the school bus. And again, the bus was late. 10 minuts. I HATED THAT BUS! When i arrived to school, i ran as fast as i could, into my class. But the teacher was alredy in there

 "Crap" I said to my self slowly. I opened the door and apologized. She was mad, so i just went down to find my sit. Next to Jaden. Aww he was so cute! "I thougt you didn't came, but you did, thats good!" Jaden said to me, and smiled his killer smile. 

"why is that so good?" I asked slowly.

"Because, well i miss-" 

Then the teacher ask us to be quiet. Wait, was he going to said that he miss me? I hope so, god i like him. 

BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING, finally! Me and Jaden could hang out! Wait, i have to met his family, OMG! I never thougt about that... What if they don't like me, or worse, what if he don't like me... 

"Lets go out to my dad, he is here now" I smiled, and we got out to the car. We were surrounded by paparazzi. They were everywhere! "Just relax, im right here" Jaden said, took my hand and helped me into the car. 

"Hi i am Will Smith, Jaden's dad, and you must be Juliet right? Jaden is talking about you all the time!" I just smiled.

"DAD, SHUT UP!"  Jaden said, and i think he was embarrassed. He blushed, but i think that was cute. I think i will tell him how i feel about him today, or maybe just tomorrow? 


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