I know you love me (Jaden Smith Love Story) Chapter 4

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Finally we arried. OH MY... Jadens house was so BIG! It was amazing! 

I gasped, and Jaden laughed at me.

"what?" I asked him slowly

"Nothing, you just look funny...." He said and looked away.

"ooh sorry.." I said and looked down on my feets. I didn't want him to think i look funny.

"haha, don't say sorry? I was just kidding, you are cute. Come on lets go inside" He smiled, took my hand and help me inside his house. I just blushed and followed him. 

His house was soooo big, and his room was really cool! I loved his house. But he was here, and that i probably why i liked it so much. We talked and laghed, played some basketball, saw a movie, ate something. He is amazing, i think i am going to tell him, that i like him. Okay, Juliet, just relax and do it...

"Jaden, can I... ehm.... can I, ask you something?" I said nevoursly.

"Sure you can, what's up?" He asked and sat down next to me, on his bed.

"Well... eehm, its because... Do you like someone, like now or?"

"eehm why..?" He looked at me, wtih this wierd look

"Never mind, just forget it..." I knew he didn't liked me, so i stood up and walked towards the room, till his door. 

"WAIT!" He yelled, and i turned around. "Well, there is this sepciel girl, i really like... She is really funny, pretty, sweet and er personality is amazing."

I knew it, he like antoher girl, how could i be so stupid. He is famous, and he can have whoever he wants. So why would he pick me?

"Well, she is lucky, i hope she likes you to, and i have to go.." I said and turned around, and opened the door. 

"Juliet, shut the door now! Why can you not figure it out? Its you, i like you. I was talking about you before. I knew you didn't liked me back, so i didn't wanna tell you, but since you asked." He smiled quickly.

I gasped, was it really true? He liked me! YES, YES, YES! I couldent stop smile! I didn't know what to say, so i just ran over to him, hugged him and kissed him. He smiled and i blushed. I decided to stay a little longer, with my new boyfriend, Jaden! Wait, he didn't asked, he just said he liked me, maybe he don't want to be more than just friends? "Jaden, so are we like together now or?" I was so nervous. "If you want to, because i want to be your boyfriend!" I smiled and kissed him again. I was soooooo happy. My mom picked me up, and on the way home she asked all these questions. 'so was it fun? are you dating? Did you even tell him? How was his family?' 

"MOOOOOOOM STOP IT! I am not telling you anything, if you not stop this!" She laughed and then she shut up, cause she was so curious! 

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