I know you love me (Jaden Smith Love Story) Chapter 5

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My mum is so curious! But i know if i tell her about today, she will ask more questions. And right now i just want to be alone, and happy! I was so in love with him and i still cant believe he is all mine. I heard my phone... BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING. Jaden was texting me!! 

JS= Jaden  J= Juliet

JS: hey beautiful<3

J: Hey handsome, haha<3 so how are you?

JS: i am good, U?<3

J: i am great<3

JS: so...

J: so?<3

JS: its friday tomorrow, and i am invited to this party, do you wanna come with me?<3

J: for real?!<3 Year!<3 Sure.. But when is the party?<3

JS: I will pick you up at 8<3 see you tomorrow then<3

J: yes, see you tomorrow.<3

Okay, so i was going to a party with Jaden. Wait, i don't know what to wear? I need to call Angela. I asked her to come over and she came over the same minut as i called her. haha, she i fast!:D Anyway, i told her about Jaden and my problem.

"OMG!!!!" she just looked at me "YOU ARE DATING JADEN SMITH AND YOU DIDN'T TOLD ME? BUT I AM YOUR BEST FRIEND!" I laughed at her, and then she got all the details. "Oh Juliet i am so happy for you! haha, i was thinking of something. Your name is Juliet, and his name i Jaden, so its J+J=love, awww that is so sweet!" "now you are like my mom! stop it!" I yelled and she laughed. We went downstairs to my mom, and i asked her for some money, so me and Angela could go out to the mall and buy some clothes. And of course my mom gave me some money, she always does that! So Angela and I went down to the mall, and we got some pretty awesome clothes. I was soo tense. And i coulden't wait. I just hope i will look good.... Maybe, well my best friend is here, and she is pretty good at this stuff.. 

------NEXT DAY------ 

I woke up before my mom. I went downstairs, took some breakfast, took clothes on and put some make up on. And the bus wasen't late. "This is going to be a pretty good day!" I thought. Finally i arrieved to school. I walked into my class and i sat down on my chair. I was waiting, and waiting and waiting. But Jaden didn't came? That is strange? But that is okay, we are going to the party tonight, and he is a celebrity, maybe he is just busy? School was over, and i decided to walk home. I took some food, ate it. And then i watch TV. There was a knock on the door. It was Angela. But what was she doing here? 

"OMG JULIET! Jaden comes in a hour, you need to get dressed!" We both ran up to my room, and i took a really fast shower. Angela put on some make up on me. I looked in the mirror and i looked pretty good. Then  i took the clothes on. It was a beautiful dress!

The dress was black and short. There was glitter on it. My hair was straight. 

Now i was ready.

"WOW, Juliet you look so HOT!" She gasped

"Really, you think so?" I asked

"OF course, Jaden is going to melt when he sees you!" I laughed at her, she was the best ever!

Then there was a knock on the door, OMG its Jaden. I am so nervous! Angela looked tense at me, and took my hand. She pull downstairs, and i walked over to the door. Then i opened it. I was disappointed. It wasen't Jaden. It was a big man, with a suit on. "Hey are you Juliet? I am Jonah, and i have to drive you to a party. Jaden coulden't come on his own, so i will drive you. If that is okay?" I looked over at Angela, and she gave me the go-with-him-now look. So i did. I couldn't believe my own eyes. There was a big limo outside. I can only say WOW! Jonah, opened the door for me. I felt like a princess. He closed the door, and then the car moved. I was so tense. 

When we arrived to the party, I gasped. OMG there was paparazzi everywhere. I looked over my shoulder and i saw JUSTIN DREW BIEBER? AND DEBBY RYAN, AND SELENA GOMEZ?! AND CODY SIMPSON? OMG THERE WAS CELEBRITY EVERYWHERE?! I gasped and looked around to find Jaden. Finally i saw him. He ran over to me, and hugged me tight. Then the paparazzi went wild and took so many pictures. I could not even see. Finally we was in a big room. The music was loud. It was so cool. (This i how the party room looked like---> http://luxpresso.com/news-indulge/top-party-places-in-mumbai-delhi/2806)

 I gasped, and Jaden laughed at me "why are you laughing at me?" I asked. "haha, you just looked funny, come on you have to meet someone." He said and took my hand. I blushed.

There was people everywhere. Everytime i looked over my shoulder i saw a celebrity. OMG this is so cool! Jaden pulled me over to a really pretty girl. Oh no, maybe he thinks she look better than me. "Juliet, this is my sister Willow" he said, and she hugged me. "ooh, your sister. haha, okay, nice to meet you"

"Its nice to meet you to Juliet, Jaden is talking about you constantly!" She said.

Jaden blushed, and said "Thanks allot Willow, well lets go out and dance Juliet."

I just laughed and took his hand. We wnet out on the dancefloor. He was holding around me waist, and i looked into his beautiful eyes. He was soo amazing! " You can go to the bar and have a drink, i have to go to the toilet." he said, then he kissed me on the lips, and walked out to the toilet. I looked around to find the bar, but there was so many people so i couldn't se anything. I decided just to sit on a red couch. Then someone sat next to me.....

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