Chapter 1

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Nothing belongs to me but the plot if any of this seems word for word with another fan fiction please let me know so I may apologize. Or give recognition for the ideas

On the night of hollowern 1981 a figure could be seen walking through Godrics hollow. As the figure walked to one house in particular, they could see figures in the house. On the second floor a woman could be seen putting a small child to bed. On the first floor a man could be seen nursing a cup of steaming liquid.

    The figure walked up to the door and unlocked it using the unlocking charm 'alohamora' once the figured entered the man screamed for his wife and child to leave as he would stay to protect them.

    The sad part is that the man also known as James Potter forgot his wand laying on the coffee table in front of the couch. As the figure known as Lord Voldemort or more infamously known as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, killed James he turned to the stairs to go after the mother and child know as Lilly and Harry Potter.

    Lilly was putting things in front of the nursery door to slow Voldemort down to hopefully apparate out of the house. Sadly for her, she couldn't tell that Voldemort put an anti-aparation ward around the house. Voldemort finally made it into the room and offered Lilly time to move to save herself when she refused thrice he killed her and turned onto the baby.

   When Voldemort turned to the child he locked eyes with the child and faltered something was screaming in his mind not to harm the child to take him and protect him. Voldemort turned away from the kid when the less rational part of his brain won over. Voldemort proceeded to try and kill harry.

   For both Harry and Voldemort the world went black.

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