Buying his school suplies

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As Harry left Twilfit and Tattings he decided to go and get his trunk he walked it into Diagon alley he looked at his school list and tended to subconsciously avoid people. He weaved in and out of people and looked at the stores looking for the trunk shop. He finally found it after passing it three times. He entered the shop quietly. The shopkeeper was tending to the shelves when Harry came up whine him.

"Hello sir." Harry said from behind the shopkeeper. He smiled as the shopkeeper turned around looking at the eight year old. The shopkeeper gave Harry a slight smile.

"Hello young man, How may I help you?" His smile got bigger after he spoke the sentence. "My name is Tony, welcome to Tony's Trunk Shop!" Tony finished what he was doing with the trunks and turned to fully look at Harry not realizing who he was talking to and thinking it was a normal child. When Tony was fully turned around he saw the scar and gasped quietly, he kept his quiet after finding out who the child is.

Harry was happily watching the emotions on Tony's face. "Hello Mr. Tony I need a trunk and need it to be big enough for a full sized apartment along with a library. Can you help me?" He smiled widely when he finished speaking and happily gave a childish look.

Tony was gobsmacked, here was THE Harry Potter asking about a trunk with an apartment and a library. He was of course going to help the kid get the trunk of his dreams. He thought that if he helped Harry it then he would get more costumers and would be able to get Harry's nod of approval. "Yes young one I can help you. Let's talk about the color first then we will talk about the wood type, what runes you want on it. For example the most common runes people get are feather light charms and shrinking charms, if you want any other than those it will cost more. After the runes we will talk about furnishing for the apartment then we will tend to the decorating of it. I can't think of anything else right now but we will probably come across something else." He took a deep breath and smiled at Harry.

Harry dried and nodded along to everything he was saying. "Yes sir, o would like a dark green almost emerald color for the trunk. For wood type I was thinking that it could be Elder wood so that way the runes are powered more. The runes I would like is a Notice-MeNot rune along with the shrinking charms and feather light charms, maybe we could include some more I sadl don't know a lot about runes. Could you tell me more? For the apartment details why don't we get this part done first then get to the apartment details is that ok?" He cocked his head to the side like a little puppy. He smiled when he got the reaction he wanted, which was to have Tony melt a little at the cuteness of the child.

Tony started to get to work on Harry's trunk and made sure to make it to his specific speculations. He wanted to make Harry the trunk of his dreams, hopefully he would achieve just that. When he was done doing the outside of the trunk and finished the rune-work he turned to Harry. "Ok now what young one?"

Harry had been playing with his magic while zoned out and snapped out of it when Tony said something. "Well can we have a one bed one bath apartment? I want it to last as long as possible with just enough to get by, by that I don't mean food I mean furniture wise and once that is done ill come back so we can decorate it to my specifications and have everything the way I want it to be. Is that ok? Also how much do I owe you?" He pulled out his key punch. 'I should go back to Gringotts and get my Heir ring or lordship rings if I can.' He thought then made a plan to do that directly after this.

Tony was gobsmacked again and looked at Harry "Y-yes I can do just that and you would owe me around 1,056 galleons. Do you need to run to Gringotts or do you have the actual money on you?" He paused and thought about the price. "I can lower that if I need to though." Harry smiled and shook his head as if to say 'no need to do that.'

"I do need to go to Gringotts and get some stuff but I should have all the money you need. Would you like the money now or later?" He started to count money out. "I can take it now." Tony said, as Harry handed the money over and walked out the store obviously entrusting him to take care of the work.


The long awaited update!!!!!
Welcome back to this story! I finally had a stroke of motivation as always have a wonderful day and please comment your reactions or if you flat out hate the story and how it is going so far.

Word count 886 words

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