Chaos is about to begin - 9

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It was time for All Might's first hero class and Nezu had insisted Ray participate. This included wearing a hero suit and training with the students instead of just watching and getting to insult All Mighty Monkey 24/7. He was a bit annoyed and disappointed but also ready to show the over dramatic 1A class of wannabes that a quirk isn't everything as he sweeps them off their feet basically quirkless. He had watched them train on several occasions through the cameras at this point and could tell very few knew how to fight hand to hand minus Ojuro and maybe Hagakure.

Not wanting his scars to be revealed so soon to the nosey children he was forced to surround himself with, Ray got changed before them. He had designed his costume earlier this week and it was mainly darker colors. He didn't want to stand out as he preferred to hide in the shadows like most underground heroes and it was better than his expectations. If anyone asked he would deny his inspiration but he had recently been watching pre quirk era movies and based his costume after Hawkeye. The constant use of archery to hunt and survive against demons helped Ray's skill greatly improve over time and he wanted to continue to use those skills to save others. Plus an arrow was less likely to kill someone compared to a bullet if you shoot too close to a vital organ.

   Ray's suit had multiple parts to it and had several slightly hidden armor plates used as extra protection that were surprisingly light. They covered his chest, stomach, parts of his back, and had pads on his elbows and knees as well in case he fall and needed help for a softer landing. It also held many small compartments with his arrows that had been broke. Down into three shorter sticks that he could quickly screw together allowing him to keep more arrows on his at a time. He had a three fingered glove as well for shooting and expanding bow just like Hawkeye had as well as arrow heads in a pouch. He created them with Hatsume that contained different effects such as sleeping gas inspired off of mama night and flash bangs or tear gas to capture villains without truly injuring them. He also had two swords strapped onto his back as a last resort if he ran out of arrows and they were covered by a dark blue cape, similar to the one he wore when hiding in the demon world along with his old mask too. The kept his weapons and most of his armor hidden and the mask was partially for fun but also to build fear in the villain's eyes as it did make him seem pretty scary.

   Keeping his mask up so that everyone could still tell who he is, Ray made his way to ground beta and hid in the shadows for a little fun. He waited patiently for the students to arrive and head them before he saw them. He approved of most of the costumes but was disappointed when All Might arrived and failed to notice him. The show pony only noticed the big bad villains after they caused chaos leaving the smarter ones to thrive in the background. "HAHAHA! YOUR COSTUMES LOOK AMAZING YOUNG HEROES!" All Might exclaimed in his usual booming voice that always left away with a migraine at the end of the day. He would need to develop some noice cancelling earplugs in the future with Mei in his spare time.

   He rolled his eyes as 1A blushed and thanked All Might for his generic complement and laughed as the man fumbled with the tiny handbook in his hand he had failed to memorize ahead of time. He explained the basic rules of the session but failed to lay down any boundaries and Ray knew someone was bound to get hurt in the end due to the man's incompetence. He had even still failed to realize that Ray wasn't in the group he was meant to teach despite not having a teaching license. Not wanting anyone to get hurt, Ray walked out of the shadows he was watching from and wasn't the least bit surprised when a student noticed him before the actual hero did.

   The robot dressed as a knight chopped his hands at Ray and yelled in an unnecessarily loud tone, "Ah, is that you Rin? Shouldn't you be in class with principal Nezu as you are his apprentice?" The rest of the class snap their attention over to Ray as Ilda announces this and All Might grows embarrassed as he realizes he forgot a student. "Such a manly costume dude!" The spiky one exclaimed while the  human Kirby asked, "Doesn't your costume look a little bit too much like a villian?" Ray rolled his eyes at this and he hears the French one saying he needs more glitter in his life. "YOUNG RIN! NICE OF YOU TO JOIN US! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?" All Might asks and Ray sighs knowing today was going to be a long one, "I got here before you and none of you noticed me. You will need to work on that in the future if you don't want a villain sneaking up on you and attacking from behind."

   All Might just chuckles nervously thanks Ray for his advice as the energetic student now seem more serious as they consider his words of warning. With an odd number of 21 students, All Might has everyone choice a labeled ball until he reaches Ray. Ray decides to take over as Nezu gave him permission and speaks up. "Listen up, I am going to be the third party in your all's heroes versus villain fight. Vigilantes are a thing and so is having more than one group of villains after the same thing or in a fight against each other. They play dirty and so will I. Your main goal as a hero is to capture the villains or the bomb and as a villain you want to protect them bomb and capture the heroes. The trick is I will be there to mess you both up and I won't give you a warning. So be prepared and ready to fight!" Not expecting this declaration, All Might stumbles over his words and tries to talk Ray out of it explaining that he could get hurt but Ray just claims that life isn't fair and walks off. Without another word, he walks off to the first building with the blueprints in hand and makes his way towards his first hiding spot. He is ready to cause some chaos and he watches as his first group of victims enter.

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