1. discovery

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Radha could see that her son though trying hard to look happy , was actually not happy . It has been few years since he had joined working as a charioteer for the royals , along with his father adiratha . Radha knew how much her son wanted to learn archery and about how hard he tried to find a teacher , he had travelled to every nook and corner of aryavrata but no one would accept him as their student citing to his caste as the reason . His last attempt was parashurama , he had lot of hope that parashurama would not refuse to teach him but again he was met with disappointment when he learned that parashurama would teach only Brahmins . After that he had given up his quest in finding a teacher .

Then he joined as charioteer for the royals of hastinapura. She knew her son was not happy with the job but they had no choice . Both karna and adiratha would leave home early morning and return by evening. It was their daily routine . Radha would make her son's favourite food and feed him . She knew he loved her cooking . After that he would sleep in her lap while she would caress his hair , it was there little time together . But she could see that there was a void in her son's heart . A void which would only be filled by his thirst for knowledge on Archery . She would do anything if there was way to help him but there wasn't any . Lately he had been appearing very gloomy so she decided to ask him to take leave for some days .


Karna was sleeping in Radha's lap after dinner .

Radha : you look so tired , I think you should take leave for few days from work.

Karna : No ma , I'm fine .

Radha : no you don't look okay . Take leave for few days and enjoy your time . You are looking dull all the time . I know your job must be very tiring you should take a break from it . I will tell your father.

Karna thought his mother was right , lately he wasn't feeling great and he was getting tired of work .

Next day .....

Karna was on leave and he was thinking about how to spend his time . He decided to go to nearby forest as he used to do when he was young with his friends. Now all his friends were working like him . It was a peaceful forest not inhibited by any wild animals. He was simply walking enjoying the nature . He was thinking about what he had heard a few days back . He had heard that the princes of hastinapura were back from their gurukul and had finished their education under dronacharya. And in a few days a skills exhibition was about to be held to showcase their skills . He had pleaded with dronacharya to teach him but he was insulted and rejected . He kept walking trying to forget about all those thoughts.

After walking for a long time he felt like he need to take a break , his legs started to strain a little . He was scanning his surroundings when his eyes met a cave . He decided to check . Luckily the cave was naturally lit , the sun rays found its way somehow. He went inside , on the walls of the cave there were some incriptions depecting some flying objects . He kept moving , finally he met a dead end . He decided to go back , while going back he was looking at the depictions on the other side . At the centre he found something strange there was a cavity made inside on the cave wall . He couldn't see what was present so he tried to put his hand . He placed his hand and felt something like a chain , he took it out. It was a necklace . He decided to check it outside as light was very feeble inside the cave .

After getting out he tried to check the necklace thoroughly . It had a pendant , a blue colored gem stone. He thought it was attractive and decided to keep it with him . He washed it in the water before using. While rubbing the stone he found that the stone was pressable , it was contracting a bit when pressed and then resizes . He found that strange but thought it must be poorly made.

He went home and showed his mother about what he had found . She told him it looked very attractive. He said he didn't want to wear it and asked her to keep it safe or use it if she wants . He didn't know why but strangely he felt happy and slept peacefully that day .


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