5. stepping out

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Luna checked the display attached to the wall of the house which showed the battery percentage of the house and it showed 20% remaining . It harnessed light energy so as soon as the rays of light falls on it , it would start recharging . She turned off all the lights and went to her bedroom to sleep . She checked for the data collected by the spaceship and found out that the time she spent on this planet was nearly equivalent to her planet as the gravity only differed a little , so there was no time dilation . She decided to rest and start her work after a proper sleep .


She woke up after a good sleep , she checked her watch to see how long she had been sleeping . She then went to see how the stranger was doing , she found him still sleeping. She went to the kitchen and made coffee for both herself and the other person .


When karna wokeup he found himself in an unknown place . He couldn't remember how he had reached there . He found the bed to be very cozy . But his hands were bound together by something , he tried to free himself but it was too strong . While he was trying to free himself , he heard a laugh.  He looked up to find her standing there , that's when he remembered about the incident .


Luna took both coffee and was walking towards the lounge , as soon as she reached there she saw that the person had woken up and was trying to break free of the handcuff . A laugh escaped her mouth as she saw him trying so hard to break one of the most powerful metal .

" You can't break it , it's made of very strong metal , you will only hurt yourself " she said .

She thought she should release him and used her watch to unlock the handcuff and it just fell freeing his hands .

She handed a cup of coffee to him and sat down drinking her coffee .


Karna was totally confused, he couldn't remember what happened after he saw her and now he was with her in some unknown place. She had freed him from the thing on his hand and was offering something to drink . He just sat there looking at her with the hot drink in his hands . He didn't even know if it was okay to drink , he thought of waiting to see if she drinks , incase if it is a poison , he couldn't take risk .

Luna was sipping her coffee , and found the guy just staring at her without drinking his coffee . She asked him to drink . She decided to talk to him , her hypnostism had failed to get any useful information so direct conversation would be her only choice.
" My name is Luna , I'm on a space mission from xanthora . we recieved a signal from a very old spaceship that was sent around 1000 years back for a mission  , at the time we recieved no signal from the crew . But few days back we recieved a signal from here and so here I am to investigate the matter and collect data , luckily I have found a planet that is inhabitable , this is a huge discovery ...... My spaceship showed the signal we recieved as coming from somewhere  closer around here hence I made a landing here , and then I saw you . I must say ,you scared the hell out of me . Please tell me how you reached here ? .. how long have you been here ? "


Karna was listening attentively to what she was saying but he couldn't make any sense from what she was saying . He simply drank the hot drink , it was rather good , he thought . And then she stopped her story and started asking him questions .
" I came from hastinapur and I live there since my birth " he answered feeling a little awkward .

Luna meets karna Where stories live. Discover now