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It was dark out, but that did nothing to help the people at the front of the guarded building. Taking out the two on the outside was easy, just two quick shots before they could call anybody in.
The Soldier took out the rest fairly quickly, as he was trained to do. He took note of the agent he was assisting scurrying past him, down the hallway and into an office.

With a slight huff, he began to do a quick lap of the building, making sure it was completely empty. Once it was all clear, he turned on his heel and walked in the agent would be in.

His boots made no sound of the floor, except for a light squeak if he twisted his foot as he stepped. So he tried not to do that, to be as quiet as possible.

Soon enough, he made it to the office. A small name tag hung on the outside door- Phil Coulson.

The Soldier took note of that, before stepping into the room. He tucked his arms behind his back, standing next to the doorway, watching over the agent. He noticed them moving a bit stiffer under his gaze. The Soldier pretended as if he didn't notice.

The agent fumbled as he slid open a file cabinet, flicking through a few of the files, hands shaking slightly.

The Soldier finally looked away from the other, eyes taking in details of the room. The large amount of papers and files on his desk. A shiny new desk label thing, this one also saying 'Phil Coulson.'

He let his eyes drift to the small table directly next to the Soldier, and he frowned. He barely needed to turn his head to be able to see the items, but he took a few steps, until he was right infront of the collection of items.

There were a few cards, in a messy pile. On all of them was a man, who looked oddly familiar, saluting at the camera. He was wearing blue, with a helmet that covered his forehead and around his eyes, a big 'A' on his head. It took the Soldier a moment to recognize the other. Captain Hydra. If the Captain has ever smiled, or worn blue instead of black.

Next to the pile of cards was a 'before and after' picture. He didn't really take in the "after" photo. It was the "before" one that caught his eye. The Soldier slowly reached a hand forwards, grabbing it and holding it closer to his face.

The picture was of an unnaturally skinny blonde kid, eyes squinting against a light source. He was wearing a dirty white shirt, with dog tags hanging over them.

Who was that? And why did it make something stir deep in his chest?

Then it hit him like a wave. Cold hands. Coughing. Cooney Island. Their apartment. Steve. Steve and Bucky. The Howling Commandos.

Word after word ran through his mind, some not making sense, some with images, but they were still words, filling the Soldier's mind too much. He let go of the photograph, and it drifted to the floor. Reaching out, he tried to steady himself with the table, but as he gripped the wood tightly, it cracked under his metal arm.

A train. Falling. Forgetting.

"Soldier?" The agent said, trying to sound stern, but their voice was wavering. They slowly made their way forwards, towards him.

His family. School.

The agent opened his mouth, probably going to repeat the words to order the Soldier to calm down or something, but before they could get the words out, Bucky's hand lashed out, grabbing the other agent's neck tightly.


Oh god, Steve.

Something gave away under his hand before Bucky let go sharply. The agent fell to the ground limply. Bucky sucked in a wavering breath, looking around quickly. There was nothing, no answers for him. Still shaking, he bent down to pick up the photograph, before turning on his heel and running out of the office.

Out of the building.

And straight into danger.


He didn't know where he was going. He just let his body drive for him. Somehow, he was stuck in between knowing and not knowing. Everything in his head making so much sense and none at all. But there was no denying the sudden, very strong urge to get to the Hydra base, and get Steve out.

Really, the only thing he'd been able to work out in his mind was who Steve was in his life now. Steve was the Captain. Captain Hydra. And he'd bet his life on the fact that that was not Steve's choice.

Everything was so overwhelming in this moment, he hadn't stopped to think about a plan except for to get Steve and run.

He hadn't planned on what would happen if he set off the alarm pulling up in the car at the wrong time (that happened), or having no idea where Steve was kept.

As he shoved open one of the side doors of one of the Hydra facilities, disguised as an old abandoned warehouse, he heard them. Guards from all around the inclosed warehouse yard, running towards him from everywhere.

That didn't matter.

He just kept running, taking turns at random, only stopping once to punch a guard who hadn't been looking at him. Turn after turn, he was starting to lose track. He vaguely remembered being dragged around these hallways, but he'd been unconscious for most of those trips. The guards were getting closer. He could hear them yelling for him to surrender.

Yeah right.

Finally, finally, finally. He saw the sign. Written in Russian, but he could easily read it— Captain Hydra: Containment.

As he reached out to grab ahold of the door handle, the guards rounded the corner.

He turned quickly, grabbing the gun from his thigh holster, aiming it at the guards as he gripped the handle with his right hand.

"Stand down, Soldier!" The man at the front yelled, aiming a gun of his own at Bucky.

He just glared at the other, before firing several shots at the group. He hit a few and they went down, but it was mainly a distraction so he could yank the doors open.

The lock let out a loud crack as it was broken. The guards continued to yell at him, and he fired several more shots at them before running into the room.

Bucky froze for a moment as he stared at him. But he didn't have time, the guards were about to come into the room. He bolted over to the controls, and froze again.

He had no idea what buttons to press. So he just pressed as many as he could before the guards ran in.

"Soldier! Stand Down!" Another when yelled out, but Bucky wasn't ready to go down just yet. He turned on his heel and fired several more shots.
And then one of the guards said a short combination of words, and in an instant, Bucky's world went dark.

The last thing he saw before he hit the ground was Steve, eyes open as he watched Bucky fall.

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