The Magic Words

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Steve met the rest of the people living in the Tower a few hours later. Bruce Banner has been in the lab. Tony has told Steve about "the other guy" that lived within the scientist.

Steve kind of knew what that was like.

He met Clint when Steve has been roaming around. Tony had gone off to do some work, and told Steve he could do some exploring if he wanted to. When he'd reached the living room, he stood in the doorway for five solid minutes before he worked up the courage to go sit down on the couch. They talked a little bit, and Clint wasn't too pushy about who Steve was and why he was in the Tower, so Steve didn't really mind him.

It was about a week later when Tony ran into the Steve's room, calling for Jarvis to play the news.

Somehow, a projector managed to make a perfectly clear image on Steve's wall, but he was too focused on the story to wonder about that.

The Headline read 'Alexander Pierce taken into custody.' The news woman was talking in a monotone, staring straight into the camera as she spoke, "why exactly Mr. Pierce has been taken into custody has not yet been released to the public, but many people believe that it has something to do with S.H.I.E.L.D. being corrupted. More on this story, after the break."

Steve let out a slow breath as the projector clicked off.

"It's not just him. And now that the media knows, the rest of Hydra is going to go into hiding," he sighed, rubbing roughly at his face.

"That's why we have to go downstairs to interview him," Tony said, adjusting the watch on his wrist, "and if we want to do a dramatic entrance, we have to leave in two minutes."

Steve just kept staring at the ground. His legs had suddenly gone shaky, and he began to wring his hands.

Tony took notice very quickly, "we don't have to talk to him if you don't want to. We can do this if you don't feel comfortable-"

"No, I have to do this." For Bucky. But he didn't say that part out loud. He hadn't told anyone about Bucky yet, except for that he was the Winter Soldier.

Tony looked hesitant, before saying, "okay. But if you want to leave, you know the magic words."

Steve's brows pinched together, "What magic words?"

"Get me the heck out of here." Tony said with a shrug, a small smirk crossing his face before he turned on his heel and started out the door.

Steve looked through the 2(1?)way mirror, at the man that had been his handler for the past several years.

Steve crossed his arms tighter over his chest to hide his shaking hands. He had to be able to do this.

Nick Fury was talking to Pierce at the moment, Fury leaned in close to him while Pierce sat back with a cocky smile on his face. Natasha was seated behind Steve and Tony, rapping away at a laptop while she blew bubbles with her gum.

"You still up for this, big guy?" Tony asked, leaning forwards to try to look at Steve's face.

Steve took a deep breath, nodding sharply.

He watched Fury slowly stand up, and walk around the table, to behind Pierce.

"That's our cue," Tony said, clapping his hands before he motioned for Steve to go through the door. But as he stepped forwards, images flashed rapidly in mind— Pierce, ordering them to wipe him, prep him. Pierce hitting him when he failed. Pierce ordering him to hurt people— the sick, joyous look on his face when the Captain succeeded.

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