I Have Loved You For A Thousand Years. Love You For A Thousand More

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It hadn't been too long since the two super soldiers had gotten away from their awful past.

They'd moved into a small house, and oddly enough, they ended up moving right next door to the guy Steve had met on his run. Bucky and Sam didn't talk very often when they first met—Bucky didn't talk very much since what happened to them—but when they finally got to know each other, they grew an... interesting relationship.

Sometime into getting to know each other, Steve had found out that Sam could fly. No, not on his own, but it was still amazing anyways. He was pretty decent at combat, too.

So, Steve went through with what he'd told him—he'd gotten him a spot in the Avengers Tower. A spot ON the Avengers. The way Sam lit up when he'd told him, told Steve he did something right.

With Sam being the new addition to the Avengers, Fury had finally stopped hinting that he wanted Steve to be apart of the superhero team.

So, this lead Steve and Bucky able to live down in a small house. They even adopted a pet. But this didn't mean things went smoothly along the way. Almost every night at the start, one would have nightmares—horrible ones. They'd often wake up the neighbours with how much they'd scream.

Sometimes, if one tried to wake the other up from the nightmare, there'd be a bigger event. Sure the bruises and black eyes healed quickly, but not fast enough. They were left on Bucky longer, which really caused some questions to be asked.

Panic Attacks were common for them aswell. Their shrinks had given them a long list of diagnoses for their mental health issues, and there were a few.

It was a sunny day. Steve, Bucky, and Sam has planned for weeks to have a barbecue.

So the two sat out on the porch, on their swinging bench, waiting to for everyone else to arrive. They watched the sun dip closer to the horizon over the tops of houses. Their hands were intertwined between them, Alpine curled next to their hands, fast asleep.

They really enjoyed moments like this—when it was just them, when it allowed them to just be Bucky and Steve, and get away from the monsters HYDRA made them.

A rather large vehicle—a minivan—drove past their house, pulling into Sam's driveway. Steve looked over at Bucky with a slight smile. He nodded, and the two got up.

Alpine gave a meow of annoyance as she was shifted, getting up and stretching her back. Bucky scooped her up with his left arm gently, still holding onto Steve's hand as they walked over.

"We should have brought the quinjet," they heard Clint groan as he struggled to get out of the van, hitting his head.

Natasha laughed as he fell face first out of the door.

A small kid, probably a teenager jumped out after him, a lot more gracefully.

Bruce Banner got out of the passenger seat, with Tony sliding cockily out of the driver's seat.

Tony lifted a hand in greeting at the two, "hello, lovebirds. How's it going?"

"Pretty good." Steve said. Steve felt Bucky's hand shift in his as the teen ran towards them.

Steve stiffened slightly as the kid stopped only a few feet forwards, smiling widely.

"Can I hold your cat? She's so cute!" The kid said, smile not leaving his face even as Bucky hesitated and struggled to answer.

"Maybe in a bit," Steve said, letting go of Bucky's hand to set it on his shoulder, squeezing gently.

"Okay! I'm Peter by the way. You must be Steve and Bucky. I've heard a lot about you from Mr. Stark." He was still smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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