It's Been A Long, Long Time

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They were cornered.

They were so close. Bucky was just past the door that was locked shut.

Steve felt his hands start to shake as he realized what was going to happen. They weren't going to make it out of here. It was pointless, they were going to die-

There was suddenly a loud sound, and each of the Hydra agents fell to the ground, limp. Tony was standing behind them and his mask slid up to reveal his face, "set off the alarm. Thought you could use some help. Want me to open those for you?"

"Show off," Natasha scoffed, but stepped away from the door. Steve did as well.

Tony opened his hand, and shot a laser thing from his palm, and the door groaned open.

The alarm started to blare louder, making Steve's head pound, but he ignored that as soon as he saw the other.

They must have just taken him out of cyro freeze, because he was in the chair, chin on his chest, not awake. Hell, he might not have even been alive.

Steve has never moved faster in his life than he did scaling the floor to get over to him.

"Bucky, Bucky wake up," Steve said, shaking the other's shoulders gently, but enough the try and jostle the other awake.

Bucky's eyes slid open, but he could barely get his head up, "captain...?" Bucky murmured, head nodding to the side.

"It's Steve," Steve corrected gently. He leaned back, tugging the bonds off his arms without hurting the other the best he can, "I'm Steve, you're Bucky."

"What...?" Bucky murmured. He lifted his head slightly, glassy eyes taking a moment to focus on Steve. When Bucky finally managed eye contact, Steve's heart almost shattered inside his chest. He looked so god damn scared and confused, it made Steve want to shield him away from everyone, just to protect him.

"I'm here to help you, Okay Bucky? I'm just going to help you out of the chair, and I'm going to take you out to the jet," Steve whispered, slinging Bucky's right arm around him, Steve tucking his own arm under to help him to his feet.

Bucky didn't respond, just let Steve pull him up. Steve could feel Bucky wobbling with his own weight, so he said gently, "just lean on me, Bucky. I've got you."

Bucky then completely went limp, and Steve barely struggled to crouch down to scoop him under the legs, carrying him out of the room.

Natasha was just outside the door, a gun in hand, keeping watch. When she saw the two, she said, "Okay, let's get out of here. These alarms are giving me a headache."

Steve nodded, following after her as they made their way to the exit. After a while, Steve heard Tony on the coms, telling them that the jet was landing in the yard outside of the fence.

There weren't as many Hydra agents, just the few bodies they'd left behind on their first run through. Some were starting to roll around in pain, but some weren't moving.

Steve didn't really care, honestly. They'd ruined his, and Bucky's lives for over 90 years. There was no way he was feeling pity for them anytime soon.

The only one he really cared about was the man in his arms. He was completely limp in Steve's arms, other than his left hand, which was holding Steve's shoulder tightly.

They are across one agent, but Natasha fires two shots and he was on the ground.

More running.

Soon enough, they were at the front doors, and they broke their way through, running towards the jet that was open and waiting for them.

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