One Of The Starks

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The sky was still dark, despite it technically being early morning. After watching his target for several days, the Captain had his schedule down pat— it would be best to attack in the morning. Plus, no one expected something to happen in the morning.

The targets schedule had been easy for him to memorize. Wake up: 2 AM-4 AM (sometime in between.). After waking up, he immediately goes to the kitchen to make himself a coffee, or a small breakfast, then goes down to his lab/shop. His partner leaves for work at 6:30 AM. He stays in the shop for most of the day, then usually leaves for an event later in the evening, usually after 5 PM.

The Captain was crouched behind some bushes around the target's house. After a while of watching, a ginger— the target's partner— walked out, and got into one of the vehicles parked out front. She shut the door, and after a few minutes of waiting there, the rear lights flashed on and she backed out of the spot, then drove down the driveway. Once he could no longer see the car, he went through his utility belt until he found the correct pocket, pulling out the key card he'd stolen earlier that week.

The Hydra agents had informed the Captain that the Target has very high security in their home, so he'd have to go in quickly before the Target could figure out something was wrong.

Standing up, he made his way through the bushes, around to the back door. Once he made it to the large glass doors, he pressed the key card to the scanning thing, and the doors clicked open. He wasn't sure who's card he'd taken, but a voice buzzed out a "Welcome, Pepper Potts."

He ignored it, quickly opening the door and moving forwards, into the house. It didn't take him long to find that stairs leading down to the Target's shop— it was a large, very open house, that made things harder to hide.

The Captain continued forward, letting the key card fall out of his hand, pulling his shield off his back. As quietly, and as quickly as he could, he went down the winding steps, until it reached the bottom. More glass doors— seriously, how could he have such good security and have everything made out of glass?

The Captain frowned slightly at the small thought. He had to focus on his mission. He stifled that voice in his head.

There was loud music playing that might get in the way of his focus— his handler said something about music wrecking the last mission the Captain has gone on, and music should be avoided "just in case." He prepared to throw his shield. It would go through the glass, hit the stereo, and fly back to him once he'd jumped through the (shattered) glass wall.

And so he threw it, the sound of the glass shattering startling his target, who turned around sharply, a hand raised with an open palm, a small glowing circle in the center of his red, metal glove, pointed at the Captain as he crashed through the rest of the glass.

The Captain raised his arm slightly, his shield attaching and covering his torso as he glared blankly at his target.

"Tony Stark." He said, reaching down to the holster on his thigh.

"Yep, that's me. Usually pizza delivery men aren't that psychotic. Who are you?" The Target responded, not missing a beat. Something about him was... familiar.

"Captain Hydra." The Captain said, pulling out his gun and aiming it at the other.

The Captain ducked as the Target fired something at him from his hand. Too late, because the beam hit the top of his helmet. It didn't hurt the captain-- his helmet was strong enough, but the helmet itself still took damage. He could feel the smouldering edges along the top. He yanked the chin strap off, pulling the helmet off and tossing it to the side. The Target stood up straighter from where he'd been leaned against the table while the Captain has been taking off his helmet.

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