A New Thing

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There was something different going on. He wasn't being given a mission. The Soldier was just sitting in the chair, the cuffs holding him in place as he listened to his handlers talk among themselves.

"The Captain has been captured. His tracking devises have been impaired, we have no idea where he is." One of the men said.

"We should assume the worst case. He's broken out of brainwashing and spilled all of our secrets to Fury," another spoke up.

"Should we send the Soldier to take him down?"

Everyone quieted down, turning to look at the Soldier, who was just staring at them blankly.

"It's too much of a risk. We can't lose him too. We'll just move him to a new containment facility. Keep him in cryo until this all blows over." One replied, everyone nodding and getting to work.

"So let me get this straight— you were kidnapped by Hydra, were brainwashed to be used as a weapon for over 50 years?" Fury repeated, raising an eyebrow, "along with James Barnes?"

"Pretty sure," Steve said, arms crossed tightly over his chest. He was more than 'pretty sure,' but he was just trying to get this conversation over with.

"I see," Fury said plainly, getting up from the chair he'd brought in, "Well I have to go deal with this mess. You said Alexander Pierce was their leader?"

"That's what I said."

Fury let out a long sigh, before turning towards the door, "c'mon Stark. You're helping me with this."

"Sure," Tony Stark said. He looked at Steve for a while, before turning and walking out with the other.

Steve let out a sigh of his own as the door slid shut. He leaned back in his chair, scowling at the handcuffs that were still attaching him to the table. It was better than being in the chair, so he didn't really mind that much.

Steve had lost track of time, but he knew it was a long time before someone returned. It was Tony Stark who came in— this time alone.

"You ready to get out of here?" Tony asked, jingling a set of keys in the air.

"What?" Steve asked, scowling at him for a moment.

"Are you ready to leave— seriously, how many times am I going to have to repeat myself to you?" Tony scoffed, moving towards him sharply.

Steve stiffened, tugging his hands as close to him as he could, standing up from his chair— it clattered loudly behind him.

Tony froze mid-step, looking at him. He slowly raised his hands to show that he had nothing in his hands except for the keys. "I'm not going to hurt you, Rogers. Relax."

Steve just scowled at him, not relaxing.

Tony just let out the slightest sigh, taking a few steps away before speaking again, "I'm just trying to take your handcuffs off. I'm not going to hurt you, but I won't come closer or touch you until you're comfortable with it." His voice got softer as he spoke, the cockiness from before fading away completely.

Steve's glare faltered, "where am I going once you take these off?"

"Well that's your choice. You can stay here and wait, and someone from the government will give you a psychological evaluation, to help them move into deciding on whether or not you can live on your own, or you can come back with me to the Avengers Tower, and they'll interview you later." Tony explained plainly.

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