On Your Left??

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Log 56.
The Winter Soldier has began to respond to treatment. Arm is fully functional. Captain Hydra is still not responding to treatment.
The closeness between Captain Hydra and The Winter Soldier before treatment has come into sight. We will try to use The Winter Soldier to convince Captain Hydra to submit to the treatment.

[Media Missing]

Steve let out a long groan, shoving the device away from him.

Pierce didn't have access to the rest of the logs— he only had a that one, despite being the leader— and the only one he had only dug up memories he'd rather forget...

He was bound, forearms tied together behind his back as he was forced to his knees. A hand was on each of his shoulders, holding him down. Steve looked up, panting heavily.

The chair was infront of him, but it was empty.

"You put me in that chair, I'll break it," Steve growled as lowly as he could.

"It's not you who's going in there just yet," one of the men chuckled, his hand squeezing his shoulder tighter.

Steve's brows pinched together, but his confused expression changed suddenly when the a door slid open and revealed who was standing behind it.

There were three men, one being held up in between two, groaning in pain.

He had short-ish brown hair, and as he looked up, Steve's heart dropped into his chest. His face was a mash of purple and green bruises, and his eyes took a long time to focus on what was going on around him.

"What- What did you do to him?!" Steve shouted, struggling against where he was being held, but the bonds didn't give away.

The man focused on him, though his eyes were glassy. A dopey, very small smile passed over his face, "Steve..." The men holding him up continued dragging him over to the chair, before setting him down.

"Let him- let him go!!" Steve shouted. Bucky looked like he had drunk too many whiskeys at the pub, but Steve knew that wasn't it.

The men didn't say anything.

Steve could feel his heart shattering as a look of confusion and fear passed over Bucky's face as the cuffs on the chair snapped into place, holding his arms still.

"Steve..?" Bucky whispered. He stared at Steve, eyes wide and fearful, "Don't-"

"Stop it!" Steve screamed as the chair jolted backwards, the arms of the device coming around to close around Bucky's head.

They sparked before closing around his face, and Steve almost screamed as loud as Bucky did.

He could feel the hands on his shoulders tighten in warning as Steve tried to get up again.

"Do you want us to leave him alone?" One of the men asked, "not use the chair on him?"

Steve didn't respond, still trying to struggle out of their holds.

"You have to submit to us, and we'll give him a break, how about that?" One of the men asked sharply.

Steve just shook his head. He couldn't— he would be giving Hydra their greatest weapon if he gave in. He couldn't give them that.

The sound of Bucky's screams made his head shake and his heart shatter over and over again.

He felt tears slipping from his eyes. Oh, how he wanted to give in. Wanted to let them have Steve so they'd leave Bucky alone, but he knew Bucky wouldn't forgive him if he gave in—that he had to keep fighting.

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