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Kenya put the last bag in the trunk of the car as she watched her boyfriend say goodbye to his parents. She wanted to cry but she had promised Hunter that she wouldn't do it until he took of. Besides, she had cried her eyes out last night. It was hard to not but what can you do when your boyfriend of three years leaves you to another continent.

This time it wasn't the house that was going to separate them but oceans. The oceans were coming between them and she couldn't do anything even though she so very much wanted to. She wanted him by her side. She really did but she couldn't be the reason as to why he never achieved his dreams. No, she wasn't that selfish at all.

Hunter wanted to be a lawyer since the day she could remember. She had had a crush on him since she learned that a girl can like a boy and want to be around him instead of running away from him. Only thing was that her crush was a book warmer. His head never left the pages of books. Is it head or eyes? She had no idea because his head was always covered by a book.

See, a bookworm.

How she got his attention, she has no idea but trust her when she says she worked for the guy. She really did and by the end of it all, he was her boyfriend. Hunter the bookworm was her boyfriend for three years and was he the sweetest. All she had to do was thank her maybe three year old self for making the best decision ever. She was in love with Hunter and she had made sure he knew that last week.

Yes, the day of their three year anniversary. She never thought that Hunter would think of anything else apart from his books but she was surprised when he gifted her a bracelet with his name on their first month of being together. The bracelet that she was holding as she watched his mother hold him even tighter.

That's how she had held him last night. How she hadn't wanted to let him move away from her. She was going to miss being on his arms for eight years. Her heart broke even further with the thought of it. She moved away from the trunk and walked to the driver's side. She was driving him to the airport since his parents couldn't but also because she wanted to spend every minute with him.

Her own mother even understood her and that's why she had let her sleep over at his house for once in her relationship. Her mother wasn't the type to encourage teen sleep overs. Not even for female friends. That was her mother. Kenya used the review mirror to see how swollen her eyes were swollen.

She had tried with covering them with with make up but it seemed that nothing was going to hide it. She rubbed them then looked outside to see Hunter step away from a group hug from his parents. He waved at them and got into the car.

"Ready to go?" Kenya asked with a sad smile on her face.

Hunter turned to her and smiled at her, "please drive before mother thinks of locking me in my room and throwing the keys away."

Starting the car, "I wouldn't mind her doing me that favor," she said waving his parents who held each other as they waved back with his mother crying and father trying to be strong for his wife.

"You'd love that, wouldn't you?" Hunter asked turning to her once they're out of the gate.

"Why wouldn't I?" She focused on her driving but she saw from the corner of her eyes his sad smile.

Kenya reached for his hand and took it. They didn't need to say anything since they had said everything to each other for the past one week. Hunter had promised to video call her each day. He had promised to text her each chance he got and also he had asked her not to fall in love with any other person because he was in love with her too.

Oh, he had confessed that to her the previous night. The reason as to why he never said he loved her when she did last week was because he didn't want to hurt her that much when the time came for him to leave which wasn't even that long. That's according to him when he said how in love he was with her a few hours ago.

Kenya wanted to cry but she had promised him. She held her tears back as she let go of his hand and took the last corner to the airport. She felt Hunter's hand on her face where she leaned in for more. She wasn't going to feel that warmth for so long.

Hunter let go the moment she parked the car and he got out before she could even kill the engine. She took deep breaths before she got out of the car. She had driven so slowly just to spend more time with him but the time had arrived. Looking at the time, she only had thirty minutes with Hunter before he boarded the plane.

As if her heart couldn't sink any further.

"I'll call you the moment we land," Hunter promised as their flight number was announced. "I love you Ke," he kissed her forehead.

"Promise?" The tears she had been holding for hours came rolling down her cheeks. "I'll only love you, Hunter, only you and I promise."

"Good," he pulled her in for the last kiss and hug.

She watched him walk past the guard and her heart went with him. Their was so much that they'd have said to each other but they choose to be quiet in each other's arms. Kenya moved to the mirror wall and watched her boyfriend and the rest board.

Kenya cried her eyes out and sat at that airport for only God knows how long. She didn't even know how she got up and walked to her car where she also sat there.

She was going to do so till he called her. Hunter had to call her...

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