chapter 3

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Kenya pulled her legs under her butt and kept on scrolling through the channels. She was bored and she needed to find something to watch before she died out of it. She had been back to their apartment two hours ago and in a way she regretted not taking up to her mother's offer. It was on a Friday and the firth day since she moved into the new apartment and if she was being honest, she rather be with her mother.

She wasn't used to staying alone. The first day was hell. She kept on turning on her bed when she realized that the soap operas weren't the same without her mother. She never loved those things but her mother did and she made sure to tell her each soap opera that she watched. She even a times compared Kenya's life with one of the operas which made Kenya remind her that it wasn't one of them.

Kenya watching the thing that day it was a way of comping with the fact that her mother wasn't around. That she had to be close to her that way. But it didn't work and she went to bed. Went through her phone from one app to another but that also did nothing. She wanted to go to her mother. She wanted to go back and sleep on her bed which she had done in her twenty six years of existence. She really did but then again, she had to grow up. To be her own person.

Which still confused her. How was she going to grow up when in few days she will be sharing the apartment with her ten year boyfriend? That's still didn't seem like growing up since she didn't know how to leave on her own. She didn't know how to manage on her own. Again, did it mean that she didn't know how to grow up? Growing up isn't about leaving on your on to experience life, right?

With a loud sign, Kenya switched off the TV and got up from her couch. Everything in the apartment was new and she had bought with her own money. As for Hunter, of course he did send his money but she saved it into their joined account. Yes, they had a joined account that they opened it one year after being together. To them, they knew that they'd end up together so it was best they started saving up for the future.

"What if one day we need a large amount of money and we can't be able to raise it at that moment?" Hunter had asked her out of nowhere. They're not even talking about the money or the future together to begin with. "We need to open a joined account and start saving right away."

Shocked by him, she swallowed the saliva that almost chocked her, "what are you talking about?"

"Tomorrow, we go to the bank and open a joined account but we won't touch the money till we feel it's the right time."

"You're not serious, are you?"

"Never been serious in my life." He said getting up and offering his hand to help her get up.

And to prove that he was serious he drove them to the bank and they gave their details despite back then being underage, talk about having money.

Kenya went to mark her papers something that she hadn't planned to do till the following day. It was a boring Friday evening and she had to make it least boring. She had to try since she couldn't go to her mother's. Kenya wanted to be independent. She wanted to learn how to be on her own if not for long at least for the few days before her boyfriend joined her.

She placed the papers on her small study room that she had created at the corner of the sitting room before settling down. At least the papers would keep her busy and by the time she would be done, it would be her bed time. Yes, she had a bed time something that she followed. She wasn't like her friend Nancy who always came to work late since she couldn't sleep for eight hours like any other person.

And when you asked what she was doing all night, she would either be out partying, having wild sex with a stranger or doing Netflix for the whole night. As for Kenya, she could count the number of times she slept late since she became a teacher. She wanted to be a responsible adult. The role model to those kids and no, she wasn't saying her friend wasn't because whatever she did out of school hours was none of anyone's business.

Kenya began marking the papers but she didn't grade them in order to not luck something to do the following day. She sat there engraved in her work until she heard the timer go off. She got up after arranging the papers. She walked to her bedroom and set an alarm for the following day without forgetting that it was a Saturday. She knew that normal people slept in this day but she had to make a call to Hunter since they'd spoken the whole day.

According to him, he couldn't get time since he would be business getting everything in order and it would take the whole day. According to him, he was planning to leave everything to his friend whom he had met the day he fly over there instead of selling them to second hand stores. He also had to get his certificate at the University and settle some documents before joining the family.

So she gave him the space that he needed for the day. It's not like it was the first time they'd spoken. It happened so many times especially when she relaid on him to call her instead of her. She even felt like she was the one forcing the whole thing on him. But after talking to him, he would remind her how much he loved her and missed her then end the conversation with either God bless you or God be with you.

Then the past few months there was no I love you instead it ended with religious statement which made her question where she stood. Of course she didn't want Hunter to fight with him. Not when he was only a few months to coming home and now worse when it was only a matter of days.


Kenya pulled the blankets over her head and tried to think of something else. Or rather yet, fall asleep. But then she had to think of a present she had to get for Hunter's mother. It would her birthday in few days hence the reason for his early arrival in the country. Kenya let her mind remember the gifts she had gotten his mother for the past eight years so that she can get something different. Something that his mother would love for real since each birthday, she felt like she didn't like a present from Kenya.

Things had been different since Hunter left and at first she thought it's because they missed him. That's till when she went over for a visit and they asked the maid to never let her in unless they allowed it. She had heard it as she put on her shoes to leave after a whole hour of awkwardness. Thought she had left and thought it fit to tell the housekeeper that. Kenya said nothing to their son and she went there only when Hunter asked her to.

Occasionally, she would because her boyfriend asked her to and it was awkward each time. That minimized till it was during his parents' birthday that she joined the family. Kenya stayed till the presents were opened and she never missed the looks on their faces each time they got to her present. Which had her confused each time since she thought they liked her.

She even questioned if they're doing it for the sake of their son or something? The toleration part that is. To her, their was only one way to find out and that was waiting for the glue to come back home.

Kenya didn't want to have hating in laws. Not them. And yes, she and Hunter were getting married if not then, in the future. So far they're moving in.

With that thought, she settled on the bed and fell asleep...

So when I wrote this it happened that the president was being sworn in and we had a blackout that's why I thought of finishing the chapter (not like I was going to watch the inauguration anyway) and yes I began to write the chapter the previous day at work then I got swarmed by it and I'd to leave it for that time.

Question: What book are you reading right now, I mean apart from this book? As for me, it's The Bad Boy's Girl.

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