chapter 5

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Dedicated to Trusoutherner

Kenya pulled her phone from the back pockets of her jeans and send another text to Hunter who had bee ignoring her since yesterday. He didn't text her back or call her since the moment she received the message that he was around. Of course she wasn't stupid to tell him that she knew he was around instead she asked how he was. The reply never came. Then she had gone on to call him when the class came to an end and she had to sit back and wait for the late parents to pick up the kids. that was what she was supposed to do as a teacher.

First you had to come n early and arrange everything before the kids got to class. Then teach them and then wait for each child to be picked up by their parent. The kids who are picked up late helps her to organize the it for the next day. And yesterday was  difference when she was left with her kids one of them being Sasha something that had never happened before. Sasha was always among the first kid picked up everyday of the school. Her nanny was always waiting for her outside the class each single day and if not her, then it was Mr. Orton. 

While Kenya was wondering what was wrong, the child was very happy to stay back for once. She got to experience what it felt like to be left behind and was she happy and helpful too. Kenya did her work and once she was done, she sat with her phone ad began to call and text her boyfriend who never bothered at all. As the time went by, kids were picked up apart from Sasha who wasn't happy anymore. Two hours had gone by and still their was no sign of anyone picking her up. At a given time, Kenya gave the kid her phone so that it would distract her but she knew way better as to why she was doing that.

Don't get her wrong, its not like it's the first time that handed her phone over to her student. But it was the first time she handed it over to prevent herself from looking more desperate than she already looked. She didn't understand why Hunter choose not to reply to her but she still thought he was out to surprise her. Maybe that's why he hadn't text her back and picked up her calls. Just like in movies, he had chosen to ignore her. He had chosen not to blow up his surprise by saying or texting something that would show that he was home already.

 If only he knew 

She had thought that when she had calm down and understood his side of the story. A few more minutes she had to wait for anyone to pick up the kid. At sometime she had called the nanny but her phone was off. Then she had called up Sasha's dad but he hadn't take her call. Seemed like every man she was calling that day they weren't ready to talk to her.

Kenya had taken her bag along with Sasha's who was still busy with coco melon. She guided the kid out of class and made sure to lock the door behind her. Just when she was done and leading the kid to the security guard, she saw Mr. Orton running towards them. OF course she was going to leave the child then since there was no other way she was taking the kid with her or was she going to be late more than that. But then again she would have tried to call one last time before she left the school.

Mr. Orton had stopped before them and hugged his daughter as tight as he could apologizing to her. He kept on saying he was sorry to her and that it would never happen again. When the girl had assured him that she was okay and that Kenya had been with her all that time and that she was even taking her to her house something that Kenya didn't remember saying to the poor kid. Mr. Orton got up and thanked her for watching over his daughter.

He went on to explain how the nanny had packed up her things and left without letting him know. according to him, he had been in an ICU  you for the past eight hours and when h came out, he was giving the information. She had left without even waiting for him. Kenya felt sorry for the guy and he saw how tired he looked. She offered him a sympathetic look before saying that it was okay. Once they'd said goodbye to one another, Kenya got into her car car and drove off.

She had had a lot to do or she had thought when she left the school. she had cleaned up the apartment which wasn't dirty to begin with. Then she had take a shower and dressed up. She even went to as far as putting a make up something that she never did before. She wanted to look good after eight years. She wanted to show Hunter that even after ten years of being together, he made the best decision. Kenya wanted her boyfriend proud of her. She wanted him to be even blown away if she was being honest.

Then it had come the waiting part. She had tried to be as patient as one can be. She waited till past midnight. She waited for Hunter and he never came. he didn't even call or text her back. And there she was at the moment. Sending him another message which she knew that it wasn't going to be answered.

Kenya's thumb run over her phone screen thinking of what to write this time different from what she had been typing the past few hours.


She send the text before she even thought of maybe even changing to small letters. Maybe with the capital he would get to see her text. She had even debated of texting him that she knew he had already landed but fought it. She wanted to see how far he was taking things when it came to her. 

Kenya's heart wanted to bleed out but she held it back. Maybe he had a good reason as to why he was doing that to her. Maybe he was going to explain and she would understand as to why she hadn't gone to work today waiting for him to come back. She had taken leave an all she did was sit there and watch as the time went by  and also refresh her phone every five minutes. Maybe her phone wasn't working well, she ha even thought that way until she texted Nancy and got a reply. And no, she hadn't told anyone about Hunter.

When Kenya had given up on ever getting a reply from her boyfriend. It came and she was confused after reading it. 

Lets meet at our park tomorrow. My plane got delayed and I can't have you spending the night at the airport since we've no idea when we're landing. 

It had read.

Kenya was happy that at last he had replied to her but sad that he had chose to lie to her. But then again they're meeting up tomorrow and he would explain everything to her.


Quiz: Has someone ever lied to you and you know that its a lie but you try to make excuse for him/her? Especially in a relationship

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