chapter 1

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Kenya adjust her camera as she walked towards the balcony, "I've one more surprise for you love," she said stepping out of the double doors and showed her boyfriend the view.

They had planned everything before he left. They had planned on how they would leave together once he got back in the country and she was just happy. Happy that in one weeks time her boyfriend would be back. Hunter was coming back to her and this time no ocean was going to separate them.

"Wow!" Her thoughts were cut short by his exclamation, "that's beautiful, Ke," he called her the nickname and for a mini second, she got mad, mini. "Our balcony like we always planned."

"Yeah," Kenya tried to sound cool. As calm and collective as she could. "I'm sorry that I couldn't get the apartment that we had promised to get eight years ago. But this one is beautiful."

Kenya felt bad that the apartment that they had gone searching for as teenagers wasn't vacant when this time came. She had even felt that it was her fault since she had refused to be alone in that apartment and chosen to stay back with her mother. She didn't want to be lonely. Not after the way she felt when Hunter left her.

She still remembers how she stayed at the parking lot of the airport till he called her to say that he had arrived safely. She cried once more when he made that call because it only meant that they'd be apart for all those years. Call her stupid but in a way she had hoped that maybe he would come back. Yeah, like the plane could take a u turn in the sky and land just for Hunter.

What else was she supposed to do. She just hoped that maybe in a month time, he would realize that he wasn't made for Italy but days turned to months and months turned to years and nothing changed. He didn't even look like home sick as days went on. As for her, it was hell. It was a leaving hell each day without him then again, she learned how to cop. She did but not alone.

Her mother was there and Kenya couldn't be more grateful to her more than she was. She let Kenya stay with her through her teaching college. She let her stay in her house even after she got the job as a kindergarten teacher in a near by school or should she say her former school?

Her mother had been that glue. The one that helped her all through the journey of waiting for her boyfriend. A boyfriend who was now a grown man. A boyfriend who was a lawyer now. A boyfriend who was moving back home after eight good years. A boyfriend that she couldn't wait to have him in her arms. A boyfriend that she was moving in with.

At last they were going to be together. They would leave together as a happy couple and sooner or later, Hunter would propose to her and they'd get married and leave happily ever after.

"It's okay," he assure her like he had done since she began feeling guilty for not securing that apartment. "Besides this one is more modern and I'm sure you'll be happy there. Especially when you're taking breakfast and dinner at the balcony."

"Hon," she called him, "it's we, not I. And besides, you're the one obsessed with balconies, I can do breakfast in bed every day for the rest of my life."

"Of course, had forgotten how much you love that." Hunter chuckled making her smile.

It's true, she loved the thought of breakfast in bed only too bad that her boyfriend got to do it once in their relationship. And that was because he had snack through her window one day carrying a brown envelope from Java. Her mother was in the other room and she sure as hell knew that her mother knew that Hunter was at her house that day but chose to say nothing. Which of course Kenya was appreciative.

That was the only time and now she couldn't wait for it to happen more than once. Hunter waking her up each day with kisses and then breakfast on bed. And her waking him up with kisses and then breakfast at their balcony and watching the sun rise each day before they shower together and leave for work.

Hunter would drive her to school first then he would drive to the law firm that his father owns. Then in the evening he would pick her up and they'd go home together. Make dinner together and go to bed and repeat the same thing all over again.

What about the baby?

Kenya's subconscious reminded her but she brushed it off. That would be for later. For now, she had to get away from the balcony since it was chilly and also stop thinking about her and Hunter's future for a while. She was letting her thoughts get the best of her which wasn't health since Hunter had two more weeks before he joined her. And she also had those two weeks for making exams for her kids and also settling in the apartment.

"I can't wait to have you in my arms, hon." She took her jacket and out it on. She had to be on her way back home because her mother was waiting for her back there. "So how did you find the whole thing?"

"I can't wait too, Ke," she should be used to this because he barely called her by any pet name but it never sinks in her. Never. "And the apartment is so amazing. Can't wait to see it."

Kenya was a patient person. A very patient one for that matter. Like who seats around and waits for a man for eight good years? Who does that if not a patient person? She was that patient but when it came to her boyfriend calling her by her nickname or by her name, something ticked of her. She even had lost count of how many times she was in a fight with Hunter because of a pet name. So many that a times she just let it go but not without her heart breaking a little each time.

It even reached to a point where it felt like she was forcing it on him. He didn't want to call her by any pet name and she came to understand that. She understood it to an extent she thought that maybe he didn't love her anymore. She felt like she was the one forcing herself on him.

And so many times and Kenya been done with him. So many that she only remembers that one time they went without talking to each other for three months. And in those months she cried her eyes out. Her mother forced her to go out of the house to college. Her mother called her friends to take her out by force. And it's all because she knew that Hunter was with someone else.

He had met another pretty lady whom he fell for and he was doing whatever it was to let he done slowly. Like not calling her like he had promised. Then calling her by her name. And forgetting to say he loved her each time they said their goodbyes after talking. Like common, who forgets to say I love you to their loved ones? Who?

Apparently, Hunter did.

Then one day he had called her and said he was sorry. Promised he hadn't met anyone else and that he was still in love with her like the first day. He even went on to call her his heart and told her how much he missed her and wanted her by her side.

What then would Kenya do but forgive him. Com'n who doesn't like to be called heart? Soon the depression was gone and she was back to herself again but the pet name was gone as soon as it had been said. That had been the worst time ever and she never wanted that with him again. Never ever.

"Okay, gonna go and make sure you do your clearance next week," she took the keys from the stand that was at the door.

"I'll do that," he smiled at her as she tried to put her shoes on without bending.

"Bye my soul," she kissed the screen of her phone, "love you."

"Bye Ke," he replied as he got up from his seat, "God bless."

"God bless? Again?" She asked laughing as she locked the door so that she could leave, "aren't we becoming to religious over here?"

Before Hunter could reply, the call got disconnected and before she'd a chance to curse, the phone went off. Of course, it had to die before her boyfriend could reply to her. How could she have not charged her phone this morning? Then again, she was the type that waited till the phone was two or one percent before it's plugged in the charger.

Had her phone fail her like that any other day? So many times that she was used to it.

Hunter being religious and all that wasn't anything at all, the big deal was that her boyfriend was coming home in two weeks time...

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