chapter 6

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"What's this?" Kenya asked looking at the guy she had been waiting for years. She still couldn't believe her eyes and neither could she digest what he was saying to her.

It had to be a joke like she had thought the moment she had laid her eyes on him. She thought it was a prank and she had even joked about it. She had even laughed at I till he opened his damn mouth. Till he said the words more than she wanted to hear them. And yet, like a fool she was, she still couldn't believe it. She still refused to understand anything from his mouth. She still thought that it was impossible. Very impossible.

"I'm not playing Ke," there he went with the name again.

There was a time when she used to love being called that by him. There was a time she would have died just hearing him call her that but not of late. Lately she always felt unloved whenever it came out of his mouth and now she could see it. She could understand it although not yet of that made sense at all.

Kenya had been happy. She had been so happy that she forgot all about what Hunter did to her. Overwhelmed by the fact that she was going to meet her love that she forgot all about his mistakes. She forgot about the unanswered calls and text. The coming back without being told and every other wrong that Hunter had done to her and she had come running to him.

She was even dressed up for him. Kenya had chosen her sunny dress so for him hoping that he would enjoy it. Hoping that he would love it and would want even maybe be the one to take it of NY the end of their walk in the park. She had let her thoughts run of the things that they'd do once they met and yet it wasn't anything like the one happening here. It wasn't something she had dreamed about it in years. Never.

Kenya felt her cheeks get wet and she realized that for the first time after fighting the tears back they couldn't be held back anymore. She wiped them away but it seemed like they're just waiting for that. She shouldn't be crying. She shouldn't be angry at all but why was her heart breaking in more ways than one? Why were her eyes not listening to her?

She looked away from him not wanting to look at her. She didn't want to look more pathetic to him more than she already was. Because that's what she was, a pathetic person who couldn't even see .the red flags. The flags that were being flown so high on her head.

"I'm sorry," he went on to place his hands on her shoulder and she felt the electricity run down her shoulder. "Ke, I never wanted to hurt you. Not this way."

It was a lie. Hunter was a lie and she wished she had someone who told her that. She wished that someone who wasn't stupid as she was had seen this coming. Maybe of Sasha had met him as a person, then she would have seen this one. She would have seen the heart break that was coming her way and put her away from the misery.

If you'd listen to her that is.

Her subconscious mocked. Her not helping at all. It was supposed to be with her. Telling her that e.verything will be okay but so far it was mocking her. Laughing at her all the while.

Kenya leaned in to his touch and laid her head on his left hand. She wanted to feel him. She needed to feel all of him. After all the last time she was with him was eight years and a month ago when he was going away from her. That was the last time. Then a few moments when she saw him. She had hugged him from behind and stayed there for what had felt forever. She had missed him and that's all she had thought when she held him after eight years.

Then Hunter had turned around and she had seen past his blue jeans and black leather jacket. Inside he had put on a blue shirt with a white collar at the neck. Kenya had laughed. She had really laughed at him and joked that he should have told her it was a costume first meeting and she would have maybe dressed up like one of the Bridgetown. She went farther to tell him how great he looked on his Halloween costume although it had been a few days ago.

Only that Hunter hadn't laughed at anything at all. All he did was stare at her for a while. He wasn't amused like any normal person would be. No, instead he was all serious the whole time. Not minding him at all, she had wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. He did return the hug but she didn't mind. Maybe he was still in shock after all those years. She had gone on to tell him how much she missed him and how she couldn't wait to share everything with him.

Kenya didn't move, she didn't want him to pull his hands away from her like he had pushed her away from him breaking the hug. She had to feel him even if it was for a second.

"How could you be this selfish?" She asked as calmly as she could be along with her placing her hand on his right one which was still on her shoulder. "I loved you Hunter. I loved you so much that I never looked at any other man. So much that I'm still hoping that this whole thing is a prank."

"And I'm sorry for that," he pulled his hands away all at once making her turn to look at him. "I just hope you can forgive me."

"Forgive you? I want you be my side." She wanted to shout but she held back. Not because they're in public but because she wanted that. To be calm. As calm as she could be. "I want you to tell me that this all is a set up."

"But I can't," Hunter said dead serious. " I'm a priest Hunter. A priest and nothing can be done."

"Then I wish you had married so that I couldn't be your mistress." Kenya shouted at last. No one was around them anyway. They're in the lake a place most people never liked to visit when it came to the park and it was their favourite place. There but then again, it would be anymore. "I'm even jealous of God, right now. He gets to have you but not me. Why didn't you chose me and save Him? Why Hunter? Why, please tell me."

Tears weren't stopping and she watched him turn his back on her.

"Please go home, Ke."

"So that's it?" She asked walking around to face him. " Ten years meant nothing to you, right?"

"It's not..."

"Oh wait, it wasn't ten years for me. I've crushed only for you. I've loved only you since I knew what love is. My whole life, Hunter. But that doesn't matter, right?" She didn't know what took over her but she slapped him. She slapped him hard. "I hope you go to hell for this and I never want to see your face again."

And she walked away from him. She didn't want to even see him again and she swore it to herself. His explanation he could as well shove down his throat for all she cared.

As for her and that priest, they're done. Forever. Hunter was her former lover who was a priest...


So since I began writing this book, I've been finding myself typing Maya instead of Kenya. So my question is, who hasn't been over those characters like me?

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