Chapter One: Birthday

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"Jessica. Wake up, Sweetie."

I fluttered my eyelids until they opened all the way. I looked at my dad who is standing over me.

"Happy Birthday, Jessica." he said.

It was May 5th. My 17th birthday. Something moved on my white bed and when I looked up, there was a light brown colored toy poodle standing on my stomach. It cocked it's head at me, then walked up and licked my face.

"A puppy?" I asked my dad. "He's so cute!" I sat up in my bed and held the poodle in my arms. The puppy barked and licked my face again.

"Just for you. He belongs to you only."

"What about Michelle?" Michelle is my younger sister by 9 months. Right after I was born, Mom got pregnant again and there was Michelle. For some reason, she just couldn't wait to have another.

"Nope. Maybe she'll get her own dog when she earns one but this is just for you. You don't want her petting it, you tell her to leave him alone, alright? You can take him with you wherever you go."

"This is great! Thanks, Dad. I love him."

"What are you going to name him?"

"What about Teddy?"

"Do you like that name?"

"Yes. Plus he looks like a cute little teddy bear."

"Then his name can be Teddy. Now get up and get ready."

"Ready? Ready for what?"

"Your birthday, duh."

He gets up and walks out of my room. I sit Teddy on my bed and go in my bathroom. I take a quick shower, washing my hair and all. I dry my hair and leave it down. It barely reaches my waist. After brushing my hair and brushing my teeth, I put on my birthday outfit which consists of hot pink jean shorts and a white dressy shirt. I glance over at my Chris Brown poster. He's my favorite singer and he's totally hot. Like, drop-dead gorgeous hot. We share the same birthday. Something that I know I'll cherish forever. Someday, I know I'll meet him. Today he turns 23.

I make sure I put on my gold locket necklace. I always wear it. It's a half of a heart locket. Dad says that he lost the other part to it.

I tie the laces of my gray converse and head downstairs with Teddy at my heels.

"Happy Birthday, Sis!" Michelle squeals, jumping all around. Then she spies Teddy. "Oh my god, a puppy!" She scoops him up in her arms. "Daddy got us a puppy?"

"Correction!" Dad calls. "I got Jessica a puppy! You can get one when you earn one!"

"What?" she screams, dropping Teddy. I dive for him and just barely make it. He whimpers in my arms.

"Ellie, you can't go dropping him like that. Toy poodles are fragile, you could've hurt him." I say. Ellie can get jealous at the smallest things.

"That is so not fair!" she yells.

"Life's not fair! You're sixteen! Get over it!" Dad calls. He always used that line when we said something was not fair.

I set Teddy on the floor and he begins following my heels again. The phone rings.

"Hello?" I go.

"Happy Birthday, to you. Happy Birthday, to you. Happy Birthday, Dear Jessica. Happy Birthday, to you!"

I laugh. "Hey, Mom."

"How's my birthday girl doing?"

"Great, Dad got me a puppy. He's a toy poodle."

"I bet he's adorable."

"Are you still coming to get me and Ellie?"

"Yep. Are you packed?"

"I am. Ellie! Are you packed?" I call to her.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ready."

"We're ready." I tell Mom.

"Okay, I'll see you at 12."


"Bye, love you."

"Love you too."

I hang up the phone.

"Was that your mother?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, she said she'll be here at 12."

"Alright. Come eat your birthday breakfast."

I walk into the kitchen and there's a plate of chocolate chip waffles in the spot where I sit at the kitchen table.

"My favorite!" I sit down at the table and dig in. I realize Teddy who's whimpering at my feet. "Oh yeah, Dad, did you get any dog food?" I ask with my mouth full.

"Yeah, its in the pantry."

I get up and sure enough, there's a big bag of Iams puppy food.

"Alright, here you go, Teddy."

He dives right into his red food bowl.

My birthday was the same every year. You know, every year after my parents divorced. My mom grew tired of my dad's ranting and raving. She couldn't take it anymore so she left him. And us. That's only because she knows she can't win in a custody battle. The reason why, I do not know.

So every other weekend, she comes and gets me and Ellie. We always have tons of fun because she has something different planned every time. She's one of those fun moms. The mom everyone wishes they had. This year, she gets to have me on my birthday. And I can't wait to see what she has planned.

When 12 o' clock rolls around, I sit outside with Ellie, waiting for Mom. A black SUV pulls up and Mom leans out the window.

"Hey girls! Come on, hop in." she calls.

"Hey, Mom. Can Teddy come?" I ask.


I load me and Ellie's bags into the trunk before jumping into the front seat with Teddy in my arms.

"Bye, Dad!" I wave from the car.

"Have a nice birthday, Sweetie!" he calls back.

"Ready to go, girls?" Mom asks.

"Yep!" Ellie and I say in unison.

We drive off, leaving Dad behind. What happens next changes my life forever.

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