Chapter Six: Her Horse

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"Chris. Where in the hell are we going?" I ask again, peeking under my blindfold. "It feels like we've been driving for ages!"

"You will see! And stop peeking!" He slaps my hand away from my face.

"I know I like surprises but this is outrageous! My curiosity is reaching its peak."

"Just like you were last night." he mumbles.



"I heard you, Chris, what do you mean by last night?"

"I really don't want to go into detail."

"I'll leave you alone if you tell me where we're going."


"Dammit. Pleaseeeeeee?"

"Fine, you can look now."

I rip off the blindfold to reveal the most beautiful field ever. It's filled with flowers of all kinds. I see some cows, and a few horses. I had a horse. His name was Troubadour. He was a big black, magnificent horse and I love him a lot. The last time I saw him was 2 years ago. I miss him. I spy a farm in the distance.

"That farm looks just like my grandfather's farm." I say.

"That's because it is."

"For real?!" I scream, getting excited.

"I called your mom and she gave me the address."

"Oh my God, I love you! I can't believe you brought me here!"

As soon as he pulls up in front of it, I jump out of the car. My grandma looks up from her knitting.

"Hello there!" she calls. "May I help you?"

"Nana! It's me!" I scream, running towards her.

"Jessica? Is that you dear? You've gotten so big!"

I try not to hug her too hard, afraid that I might hurt her fragile body.

"Well if it isn't Jessica, right out of the blue!" My granddad comes out the house, laughing.

"Hey, Pops! Long time no see!" I hug him. "How have you been?"

"Just fine! Great and dandy!"

"Is he here?" I ask, referring to my beloved horse.

"He's out in the field. He's become a little more wild. Maybe it's too soon for you to see him."

"I have to!" I say, running a little into the field.

"Troubadour!" I scream. He ignores me. "Troubadour!" I scream a little louder. Still no response. "Troubadour!" I scream at the top of my lungs, hearing it echo through the fields. He looks up at me. He starts to trot and once he gets a little closer, he breaks off into a full gallop towards me.

"Jessica?" I hear Chris call.

"It's okay!" I yell back. "He's my horse!"

Troubadour finally makes it to me and dips his head down, rubbing it against my shirt.

"I missed you too, boy." He motions for me to get on his back by throwing his head back. "Not without a saddle." I lead him to the barn and saddle him up. Granddad walks in.

"When you come around, he back to his old self. I thought he would snap on you a little."

"Nah, our bond is too strong. Isn't that right boy?" Troubadour nips at my shirt.

"You still know how to ride?" Granddad asks.

"How could I forget?" I hop up onto the saddle.

"By the way, who's that dreamy lookin' boy out there?"

"Oh, that's my brother."

"Brother? Your mom adop- I mean had another son?"

"Pops, I know that I'm adopted. I live with Chris now. He's my blood brother."

"Oh, when did you find out?"

"Two days ago. Weird huh?" I didn't want him to ask anymore questions. I couldn't believe he knew and didn't tell me. I snap the reins and Troubadour takes off. Chris watches in amazement as I ride my horse. We race by him and I flash a smile.

"You should try riding!" I call to him.

"What?" he calls back. I turn Troubadour around and trot to him.

"I said, you should try riding."

"Oh, I know how to ride." he says with a grin. "Got another horse?"

"Well of course!" He follows me back to the barn and I saddle him up with Butch, Troubadour's twin brother. We race out in the field together, laughing away. I spy a fence and whisper in Troubadour's ear.

"You still know how to jump?" He takes off in a gallop towards the fence.

"Jessica!" Chris calls.

"Watch this!" I yell back. Troubadour leaps and we have a perfect landing on the other side of the fence. "Chris! Did ya see me? Did ya see me?" I scream at him.

"That was great!" he calls. Troubadour starts to act weird.

"What's wrong boy?" He starts jumping and neighing. "Troubadour!" He leaps up and I lose control, falling off of him and screaming as I hit the ground.

"Jessica!" I hear Chris yell. I can feel Butch's hooves galloping across the ground. Chris jumps off Butch and races to my side. "Jessica? Are you okay? Say something."

"My wrist hurts. I landed on it funny." He sits me up. I hear the hiss of a snake. "That's what spooked Troubadour! I knew he'd never do that to me."

"Horses have a big fear of snakes." Chris says, helping me up.

"I know. Where is he?"

"The snake? He's right there."

"Not the dumb snake, Troubadour."

"Over there." He points over into the field.

"At least he's alright."

"But are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm-ow!" I look down at my wrist. "It hurts." There's a purple line surrounding my wrist.

"We need to get that checked out."

"Can I say goodbye to Troubadour?"

"Yeah, come on."

I don't even have to call him. He trots over to me and licks my hurt hand. "It's alright boy. I'll be fine. Don't worry, it's not your fault. I gotta go now okay? I'll miss you." I kiss his nose. Another horse neighs in the distance. The most beautiful horse gallops over to us. She rubs herself against Troubadour and licks my hand.

"Ooh, Troubadour. Is this ya girlfriend?" I say in a teasing manner. I kiss him and her goodbye, and climb back into the car with Chris.

"Bye Nana! Bye Pops!"

"Bye, Sweetie! Come back soon!" Nana calls.

"Yeah! We need to have one of our old races!" Pops says.

"Alright! Love you guys!"

I try to buckle myself in, which is a little difficult with a hurt hand. Chris buckles it in for me.

"Chris, thanks for bringing me out here. I really missed him."

"No problem, kiddo. Anything for you. We better get to the hospital and check out your wrist."


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