Chapter Two: Car Crash/Reunited

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We were driving along the streets of L.A when it happened.

"Mom, can we get some ice cream?" Ellie asks. She loves her ice cream. I do too.

"Sure, Honey."

The light we were heading for suddenly turned yellow. I looked at my mom. I knew what she was thinking. We could make it. It all happened in a split second. We glided under the still yellow light when the black Lamborghini slammed into the side of our car. Michelle screamed a blood-curdling scream that pierced through the air. The last thing I remember seeing was my mother's face.

I woke up in a room by myself. I looked around and realized I was in a hospital. Great way to spend a birthday. Then I remembered. I sat up screaming in my hospital bed.

"Mom! Mom, where are you?" I screamed. Nurses ran into my room.

"It's okay, Sweetie, your mother is fine." a skinny nurse said.

"Where is she? What happened? Where's my sister Michelle? Or my dog?" I wanted answers.

"You were in a car wreck. It was a terrible one. Your mother is fine, just badly bruised. Your sister however, she broke her leg. I'm surprised you aren't hurt too bad. Just badly bruised and two broken ribs but we fixed that when you came in and we gave you some pain medicine." a fat nurse informed me. Skinny nurse walks out of the room.

"And my dog?"

"He's fine but very frightened." She walks back in with Teddy in her arms. She gently hands him to me.

"How long has it been since the wreck?" I ask, cuddling Teddy.

"About one and a half hours. I heard it is your birthday."

"Yeah, and a terrible one. Who's the idiot that hit us?"

"Oh, I promise you, you'll take that back when you see who."

"How do you know?" I asked, confused.

"According to your mom, you love this person very very much."

She walks out and motions for someone who is out of my sight to come in.

Oh my God, when he walked in, I wanted to get on the floor and worship him. It was him. Chris Brown! The same guy I always made a big fuss over when he came on the radio and on TV! He was wrapped in as many bandages as I was.

"I can't believe it! It's you! I kept telling myself I would meet you someday, but not like this." I say, trying to stay calm.

" I am so so sorry about this. I wasn't looking as I just-"

"You don't have to apologize." I cut him off.

"Well your mother was sure looking for me to."

Reminder: Kill my mother. " Don't listen to her. She's always like that. But this is so amazing! To actually get to meet you!" I sit up even farther with every word. A sharp pain bolts across my side and I fall back, groaning in pain.

"Kate, get some more morphine." Skinny nurse says to Fat nurse, er, Kate.

"I can't believe I did this to you." Chris says.

"Don't blame yourself." I whisper.

"You're in pain because of me! You're spending your birthday in the hospital because of me."

"How did you know it was my birthday?"

"Well your mom made a point of saying how much you loved having the same birthday as me."

"Ugh, I am going to hurt my mom!"

Chris sits down on my bedside, laughing. "Hey," he goes. "I just realized, your mom never told me your name."

"Jessica." I say quietly, staring into his eyes. He takes my hand in his.

"Jessica. I like that." He stares right back. "For some reason, you look so familiar to me. Jessica, that name rings a bell."

I look at his neck and spy the chain of a gold necklace. I raise my hand and pull the necklace out of his shirt to look at it. I sit up again.

"Chris, where did you get this necklace?" I ask. It looks just like my half heart locket necklace.

"It's kinda personal." he goes.

"Please? I can keep a secret better than anyone else."

"Well nobody knows this but my mom had another child. It was a girl." he tells me. "I was six when she was born. I bought the necklace and gave my baby sister half of it. I kept the other half. She loved the necklace really much. But sadly, when I was ten, she was stolen from us. We couldn't get her back. We searched and searched for but it was no use. It broke my heart. This necklace is all I have left of her." He closes his hand around the necklace. " I know she still has the other half. I know she's out there somewhere."

I sit back, shocked. "Wow, you look like you just saw a ghost." Chris says.

"Chris." I go. "Look." I pull my half of the locket out of my hospital gown and take it off. " I don't remember when I got this but I've it for as long as I remember. My dad always told me that he lost the other half but..." I fit my half into his. Its fits perfectly. I stare at Chris.

"Does this mean..?" he stops.

"That I could possibly be her? Your sister I mean?" I whisper.

"No wonder you look so familiar."

Kate walks back in.

"Okay, time for your medicine, Jessica. Chris, she needs rest. I think it's best if you leave."

"Please don't make him leave. Stay. Just until I fall asleep." I plead.

"Oh alright." she gives in.'

I watch her inject something into my fluid bag. Before she leaves, Chris whispers something in her ear. I begin to feel really sleepy.

Once she's gone, I ask him, " What did you say to her?"

"You'll see." he says. "You're dog is cute." He rubs Teddy's back.

"Thanks. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Happy Birthday, Chris."

He laughs. " Happy Birthday, Jessica."

My eyes finally closed.

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