Chapter Five: Love

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I woke up to find Chris gone. I was so freaking sore. I stumbled to my huge bathroom and took a hot shower. I didn't remember much but I remembered the way he kissed me and the way he rubbed my bare skin. It made me shiver, it felt so good. I know it was my first time but I got to say, it probably doesn't get better than that.

After my shower, I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I put on some gray sweat short shorts and and a light pink tank top. I creeped downstairs only to be hit my the smell of eggs and bacon. I tip toed over to the kitchen. It smelled great. I could see Chris cooking. He didn't have on a shirt and I bit my lip.

"I know you're there." he says, turning around and leaning against the stove.

"How?" I ask.

"You're not as quiet as you think. Especially last night." he winked at me, making me blush.

"What do you mean? I was loud?"

"Oh, were you loud! I mean, you sounded like you really enjoyed yourself. You know I had fun. You were screaming my name."

The top of his shorts caught on fire.

"Chris, you're on fire." I say.

"No, the other one."

"Chris! I mean, you're really on fire!"

He looks down at his shorts. "Shit!" He immediately pats the fire out. I burst out laughing.

"That was funny. You look so silly." I mimic him patting out the fire.

"Shut up." he says, laughing.

"What did you mean by the other one? I didn't say Chris?"

"You did at first, but then you changed."

"What did I say?"

He walks over and whispers in my ear. "Daddy made you scream real good." He has a big grin on his face.

"I can't believe I yelled Daddy!"

"You weren't yelling it. You were screaming it."

"Oh my gosh, that is so embarrassing."

"I don't think it is." he whispers, grabbing my ass. I playfully hit his chest and he pushes me against the wall. I feel something hard just below my waist and I look at Chris.

"That better not be what I think it is." I say.

"Sorry to ruin your dreams, Honey, but that's not a flashlight."

"Are you kidding me?" I laughed. I slid my knee up between his legs and he slightly moaned in my ear.

"Are you teasing me?"

"I sure am." I skip out of the kitchen. "Teddy!" I call, looking for my dog. "Teddy?" I look in the living room. "Teddy! Come here, boy!" I walk back into the kitchen. "Chris, have you seen Teddy?"

"I let him out back with DeeDee."

I open the patio door and try again. "Teddy!" Then I whistle. He bolts out of a bush and jumps up into my arms. "There you are! You hungry boy?"

I sit him down and grab the bag of dog food, pouring some into his food bowl. Just as I put up the bag, I feel arms slip around my waist.

"Ready for round 2?" he whispers in my ear.

"Round 2? I haven't even recovered from round 1." He laughs.

"Am I that good?"

"Beyond it."

I started thinking about how he felt towards me. I'm his sister yet he never brought up that subject. Was it a mistake that we had sex? I know that I didn't care that he was my brother, but did he care that I was his sister? I was scared to bring up subject, afraid that he might flip out.

"Are you thinking?" he suddenly asks.

"How did you know?"

"I could see it. Care to share?"

"Promise you won't get mad?"

"I promise."

"Chris, do you care?"

"Care about what?"

"Do you care that I'm your sister? I mean, I know that I don't care about you being my brother, but do you care? Honest answer."

He thinks about my question. I get scared for a second but that feeling soon disappears when he smiles at me.

"I care that you are my sister because that causes me to feel like I must protect you. But I also don't care because I love you." He hugs me.

"I love you too." I hug him back.

"Go get dressed."

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see." he says with a smirk on his face.

"Oh alright." I walk up to my room and grab a quick outfit which consists of white skinny jeans and a black fall off the shoulder top. I put on some black short boots and head back downstairs.

"Chris?" I call. No answer. "Chris? Where are you?" Still no answer. I keep walking until arms close around me and pick me up. I let out a scream, but once I smell the familiar cologne, I realize that it's Chris.

"Must you scare me like that?" I snap.

"Yes, I must because that's my job as a big brother. Now come on." He takes my hand and we walk to his garage. I stare at his wrecked Lamborghini, which brings back bad memories.

"Can we take the Lexus?" I ask.

"Sure. Lets go."

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