Chapter Eleven: Birth and Proposal

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The moods swings came, but they didn't stay long. I was glad they didn't because I was mad one minute and sad the next. Chris didn't know what to do with me. But when they finally subsided, you could say I was happy more than ever. I bet Chris was too.

I'm now eight months along and I feel like I'm going to pop. I'm not even that big! But the doctor said I may not get a big stomach because my high metabolism is burning all the fat and the baby isn't going to be that big. He also said that I could go into labor any day because even though I'm not 9 months, the baby is measuring as if it was. Chris is prepared to rush me to the hospital at any time. I just hope that he's not at the studio when my water breaks. Me and Chris have a really good relationship. We fight a lot like brother and sister, but we don't stay mad at each other long. He's usually the one to apologize because he says that he doesn't like for me to be mad at him. Mom comes and visits regularly. At one point, she brought Dad and Chris wouldn't let me out of his grasp for nothing! He wouldn't let Dad hug me or barely even look at me. He said he didn't like the way that Dad was looking at me, like he was undressing me with his eyes. But then something happened and I know that Dad might not ever see me again.

Chris let me go to go to the bathroom. I had just turned off water when I heard footsteps. I opened the door and Dad was standing right in front of me.

"Chris?" I called uneasily. Probably should have yelled louder because we are in a big house.

"Shhh, no need to call him. He's already got a chance to touch you all over. I haven't." He stepped closer and pressed me against the wall.

"Please, don't. Let me go, please." I begged, hoping I wouldn't have to call Chris. If I did, it would be like all hell breaking loose.

But he didn't listen. He slid his hand in my shirt and tried to kiss me.

"Chris!" I shrieked, louder this time. Dad was all over me and I couldn't push him off. I was about to scream for Chris again when Dad was pulled off me. Chris had his hand around Dad's throat as if he was about to kill him.

"I'd kill you right now." I heard Chris say in a low voice. "But sadly, I can't because I can't be there for Jessica if I'm in jail." Chris released his grip and walked over to me, pulling my shirt down over my slightly bulged tummy.

"Go to your room." he whispers under his breath. "And lock your door. I don't want him anywhere near you."

"Okay." I walk upstairs into my room just as he ordered. What ever happened to a normal family? I'm having a baby with my brother and my dad wants to rape me. I'm losing it, I swear!

I remembered I forgot to lock the door, so I get up off the sofa to go lock it. Teddy bolts by my foot, tripping me. Luckily, I catch myself with my hands. I turn over, sitting on the floor.

"Teddy!" I scold. He looks up at me and whimpers. Then crawls into my lap asking for forgiveness. Suddenly, I feel a warm liquid running down my leg. Uh oh.

"Okay, Teddy. You want forgiveness? Go get Chris." Teddy runs out the little doggie door beside my bedroom door.

Chris's POV

I was furious with Dad, but Mom calmed me down.

"Why don't you just leave him?" I ask.

"Chris, I've already told you."

"If you really love someone, you can let them go." She sighs.

"Chris-" She's cut off by Teddy's barking. He tugs on my pants leg, growling.

"What's wrong, boy?" I bend down to his level. He continues to bark and pull on me. "Is it Jessica?" He barks twice, meaning yes.

"That can't be good." Mom says.

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