Evil Intentions

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"Come now Alexis. Is that all you got?" Wuya asks as she and Alexis are fighting in a room.

"Can it! I'm strong enough without your input you old witch." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form and tries to bite at Wuya only to miss causing her to growl frustratedly as the witch floats above her.

"I'm hurt... Well not really. Your insults are flattering but won't get you anywhere. And Chase said you were his best fighter among his group. I'm starting to have doubts." Wuya says as Alexis growls angrily.

"I am!" Alexis says as she jumps at Wuya only to miss her again.

"I don't see it." Wuya says as she chuckles.

"Wuya that is enough. I don't want my prized fighter having your thoughts in her head." A voice says revealing to be Chase and Jack walking into the room.

"Told you I'm his favorite." Alexis says proudly as she wags her tail before going over to Chase.

"Favorite yes but even you can still learn a thing or two young one." Chase says as he pets Alexis.

"I think I've learned well enough. I'm not some push over like Jack is." Alexis says as she steps away from Chase before shifting to human form.

"Hey! I heard that!" Jack says angrily as Alexis chuckles.

"Good. You were meant to!" Alexis says as she smiles.

"Don't get cocky girl. You might be a good fighter but you're still not a match for all of the Xiaolin Warriors." Chase says as Alexis looks at him.

"I think I can handle myself Chase. I've been with you for a year. I doubt those monks are any trouble for me." Alexis says unworriedly.

"They are not to be underestimated. Especially Omi." Chase says.

"Omi's all you ever talk about. What's so special about him?" Alexis asks.

"You have no idea young one. You'll do well to listen to your master." Chase says sternly.

"I do listen. I just don't see what's so special about this one kid." Alexis says as she shakes her head.

"You will find out soon enough. But for now prepare for tomorrow." Chase says.

"What's tomorrow?" Alexis asks curiously as she looks at Chase.

"We have a new Shen Gong Wu to go after. I want you to be the one fighting for our side." Chase says as he smiles at Alexis.

"Gladly." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Why not me? I'm just as capable as she is." Jack says angrily.

"I highly doubt that." Alexis says as she chuckles.

"Why you!" Jack says angrily as he lunges at Alexis before she begins fighting with him and quickly pins him to the ground much to his annoyance.

"Knock it off you two. Jack I have chosen Alexis for a reason. You usually fail. She does not. I do not want anymore doubt in my decisions. Understand?" Chase asks sternly.

"Yes master." Alexis says as she gets off jack.

"Besides this will give my prized student a chance to show those monks what a true born fighter can really do. I am sure you will not let me down my dear." Jack says as he smiles at Alexis.

"You can count on me Chase." Alexis says determinedly.

"Good. Now get ready. I want you prepared for tomorrow. It is going to be a big day for you." Chase says.

"Yes sir." Alexis says as she watches Wuya and Chase leave before looking down slightly.

"Looks like someone's having second thoughts. I can always take over for you if this is too much for the little teacher's pet to handle." Jack says as he smirks.

"Step off Spicer! I am not afraid and I am not having second thoughts. You should be the one who is afraid. I know Chase well enough to know you won't be staying much longer if you continue to disappoint him. Now stay out of my way." Alexis says angrily as she walks off.

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