Good VS Evil

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"I don't want to do this anymore. Why can't you just let me leave?" Alexis asks angrily as she is with Chase, Wuya and Jack near where another Shen Gong Wu is supposed to be.

"Because if you value your friend at all you'll do as you're told." Chase says as Alexis glares at him.

"And besides I'm more than happy to ensure you do as told." Wuya says as she smiles earing a growl from Alexis.

"Leave Sarah alone! She has nothing to do with this. She's innocent." Alexis says angrily.

"But you still value her because she was the only other person in your life who has been kind to you. And I know you'll do whatever you have to do to protect her." Chase says.

"That was your mistake young one. You allowed foolish emotions to cloud your judgment. Now you will pay that." Wuya says.

"Let's just get this over with." Alexis says reluctantly.

"Good choice. You see that Shen Gong Wu over there? Your job is to grab it and keep the monks from grabbing it. Understand? Do you understand Alexis?" Chase says as Alexis sighs.

"Yes sir." Alexis says sadly.

"Good. Now get moving." Chase says as Alexis shifts to wolf form.

"And remember what will happen if you betray us again." Jack says as Alexis snarls at him.

"Stay out of this Spicer if you value the ability to talk. I'm not afraid you by any means." Alexis says as she growls.

"Just get moving." Chase says annoyedly.

"Whatever." Alexis says as she runs off before she quickly hides seeing the monks arrive on their green dragon.

"Okay here we go. It should be around here." The green dragon says as Omi and the other monks get off his back.

"Let's split up." Raimundo says as he and the other monks split up.

"Oh great. Not again. Oh please let me get to it before they do." Alexis says as she quickly gets moving.


"Hmm. Odd place for a Wu but still need to get it all the same. Least this will be easier than expected." Alexis says as she finds the Wu in a small gorge and shifts to human form as she begins to walk toward it.

"I wouldn't count on that little lady." A voice says revealing to be Clay, Kimiko and Raimundo.

"Didn't you learn from our last fight?" Raimundo asks as he smiles.

"Stay out of this monks! I don't wish to fight you but I have to then I will." Alexis says.

"A villian who doesn't wanna fight us?" Kimiko asks in confusion.

"That's a first." Clay says as he, Kimiko and Raimundo prepare to begin fighting with Alexis.

"Wait! Don't attack her!" A voice shouts revealing to be Omi as he runs over.

"Omi?" Alexis asks.

"Alexis please don't fight us. Let us help you." Omi says as he goes toward Alexis causing her to back up to keep some distance.

"Help her!?" Kimiko, Raimundo and Clay ask in shock.

"I can't do that Omi. I just can't. He has someone I care about in his sights and if I disobey he'll hurt her. She may not have been much but she saved my life when I was young. I owe it to her to keep her safe." Alexis says.

"Alexis please." Omi says pleadingly as Alexis looks at him sadly.

"I'm sorry Omi. Forgive me for this." Alexis says as she attacks Omi with ice and fire making him jump to dodge her attack.

"Omi!" Raimundo shouts as he and the other monks begin to run toward Alexis and Omi.

"No! Raimundo, Kimiko, Clay stay out of this. It's my fight. I'll deal with Alexis and the Wu this time." Omi says as the other monks stop.

"Omi please go home. I don't wanna fight you or your friends." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form while fighting with Omi.

"Then don't. We can help you and your friend if you give us a chance." Omi says as he tries to pin Alexis with water with no luck.

"I can't Omi. Chase will harm her if I side with you." Alexis says.

"Alexis I promise I can help. Please." Omi says pleadingly before Alexis reluctantly pins him to the ground growling slightly.

"Omi!" Kimiko shouts.

"Stay out of it everyone! Alexis please don't do this." Omi says as he looks at Alexis as she gives a sad look.

"Forgive me Omi. I'm so sorry." Alexis says sadly as she pins her ears back before growling at Omi.

"Finish him Alexis. Now!" A voice shouts revealing to be Chase, Wuya and Jack on a ledge nearby.

"Alexis I know you don't want to do this. I know you're afraid but give me a chance. I promise I'll not let anything happen to you or your friend. Chase can only hurt you as much as you let him. A real friend wouldn't ever turn their back on you. I wouldn't never do you this way. You just have to believe me." Omi says as Alexis looks at him.

"Omi..." Alexis says.

"What are you waiting for? Do it!" Chase shouts as Alexis growls angrily.

"I won't!" Alexis shouts angrily as she throws a fire attack at Chase, Wuya and Jack before they dodge it.

"You stupid girl!" Wuya shouts as Alexis gets off Omi and helps him up.

"Can you witch! I'm not afraid of you or Chase any longer!" Alexis shouts as she growls aggressively.

"You foolish girl. You just costed your friend their village and safety." Chase says.

"I'll find a way to protect Sarah. But I'll never trust you again! I'm not gonna hurt my friend!" Alexis shouts angrily as she stands in front of Omi.

"I knew you would change your mind my friend!" Omi says happily as Alexis smiles at him.

"Fight now. Talk later Omi." Alexis says as she lowers her head down.

"Right. Kimiko, Clay, Raimundo now!" Omi shouts as the other monks come running.

"No Omi. Chase is mine. You guys deal with the rest." Alexis says as she looks at Chase.

"Be careful." Omi says as Alexis runs after Chase and stops him near a small pond.

"You foolish girl. You should of ran when you had the chance." Chase says as he throws a fireball at Alexis before she dodges it.

"More like I should have trusted Omi when I had the chance. I may not be much but I'm not gonna let you get away." Alexis says angrily as she attacks Chase only to miss.

"You fight well. I've truly taught you well over our time together." Chase says.

"You've also lied to me over our time together too! Led me to hate those who I should have trusted all along." Alexis says as she growls only to get attacked by Chase and sent at a rock wall causing her to hit it with a yelp and land on the ground whining.

"Maybe but you've made a grave mistake today. Such a shame too lose you. You truly were a prized apprentice." Chase says as Alexis looks at him weakly before he leaves.

"Alexis!" Omi shouts as Alexis looks at him running towards her with blurred vision and passes out.

Love Is Stronger Than Evil Xiaolin Showdown Omi X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now