Unwanted Company

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"Ugh. What happened? Where am I?" Alexis asks as she wakes up in human form next to a tree.

"Oh good. You are awake. I was concerned you may not have made it." A voice says revealing to be a smiling Omi.

"Gah! You!" Alexis says angrily as she quickly shifts to wolf form growling.

"Uh-oh." Omi says in alarm as Alexis lunges at him as he keeps dodging her.

"You! You made me look horrible in front of my master!" Alexis says angrily.

"Easy now miss Alexis. I do not mean harm." Omi says as he tries to keep his distance from Alexis.

"Too bad for you then because I do!" Alexis says angrily.

"I am not gonna fight you. I saved your life." Omi says.

"Saved me? What are you talking about?" Alexis asks as she stops attacking.

"We fell into the river but you went under. I used my element to save us both and bring us to dry land." Omi says.

"Why?" Alexis asks as she growls while pinning her ears back.

"Uh because that is what a monk does? Help those in need?" Omi asks confusedly.

"I don't need your help. So just stay away from me." Alexis says.

"But why?" Omi asks curiously.

"Because I said so." Alexis says as she begins to walk off.

"Where are you going?" Omi asks.

"Away from you." Alexis says.

"If you are going back to Chase I strongly advise against it. He is not what he may seem." Omi says as he begins to follow Alexis.

"Oh like you would know. You know nothing about me. So stop acting like it." Alexis says annoyedly.

"Why are you being so stubborn about this? Can't you see I'm trying to help you?" Omi asks with slight annoyance.

"Why are you following me?" Alexis asks annoyedly as Omi keeps following her much to her annoyance.

"Look we have nowhere else to go for now. We can at least work together until we both get back home." Omi says as alexis growls.

"No. Ugh. Stop following me already." Alexis says angrily as she keeps walking only for Omi to keep following.


"Ugh. You are the most persistent person I have met." Alexis says annoyedly as she is walking in human form with Omi in the woods after failing to ditch him several times.

"Thank you. I could say the same about you." Omi says as he smiles before Alexis gives him an annoyed look.

"That wasn't a compliment. At least not in this situation." Alexis says as she grumbles before shifting to wolf form.

"Why do you refuse my help? You don't seem like a bad person to me." Omi says as Alexis stops and glares at him.

"You don't know me. I only stopped attacking you because I have no interest in fighting with you right now. As for a later date that is something else. So don't mistake tolerance for kindness." Alexis says angrily before she begins sniffing around.

"So you are gonna work with me?" Omi asks happily.

"No. Now stop talking. I'm trying to find something to eat." Alexis says as she sniffs around.

"But there is no food around?" Omi asks curiously.

"For you maybe. I'm a wolf in case you haven't noticed. Ah. And I do believe I see a fine target." Alexis says as she hunkers down seeing a deer in the distance.

"What are you gonna do?" Omi asks as Alexis begins to sneak toward the deer.

"Watch you persistent monk and maybe you'll find out." Alexis says.

"You're going to go after a deer? But it's not right to attack innocent lives." Omi says as Alexis stops and looks at him.

"Where do you think most meat comes from monk? It comes from animals. Now hush and I might be willing to share my catch with you if you stop talking." Alexis says as she goes back to stalking closer to the deer.

"Uh Alexis. I think I hear something." Omi says worriedly.

"That's just your stomach. Now shush. I'm gonna be angry if you scare this creature and I have to chase it just to have a meal tonight." Alexis says as she lowers herself down in preparing to lunge at the deer.

"I'm serious. I hear something." Omi says worriedly as he looks around.

"If you're scared then leave. But I'm not. Ah. One more step. Got it! Whoa!" Alexis shouts in alarm as she lunges at the deer before a bear appears behind the deer scaring it off as Alexis stops at the angry bear's feet.

"Bear!" Omi shouts in alarm.

"No duh Sherlock!" Alexis shouts as she dodges an attack from the bear before growling angrily.

"Alexis! Get back!" Omi shouts as he runs up to beside Alexis and takes a fighting stance.

"Forget it! I can handle myself and I'm not scared of some bear!" Alexis says as she runs past Omi and bites at the bear's front paw before quickly jumping away to avoid getting swiped by it's other front paw.

"Watch out!" Omi shouts as Alexis dodges an attack from the bear before barking and growling.

"Just get back if you're so afraid but don't dictate what I do! I am not one of your little monks! Ah!" Alexis says as she then gets hit by one of the front paws and is sent into a tree with a loud yelp before falling to the ground whining.

"Alexis!" Omi shouts as Alexis looks at him with blurred vision before passing out.

Love Is Stronger Than Evil Xiaolin Showdown Omi X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now