Going Back

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"We're are almost home Alexis. Can you believe it?" Omi asks excitedly as he is walking with Alexis.

"Yeah..." Alexis says as she gives a slightly sad look.

"What is the matter? You seem sad." Omi asks as he looks at Alexis.

"It's nothing Omi." Alexis says as she looks at Omi.

"I know better than that. What is wrong?" Omi asks as Alexis sighs.

"It's just that I can't believe we actually worked together to get back home. I mean I went on for so long hating you and I didn't even understand why." Alexis says.

"Well Chase did not help that much." Omi says as Alexis chuckles.

"No. He really didn't." Alexis says.

"But now we are friends. It is in the past." Omi says as he smiles.

"Yeah... friends. Anyway we should hurry. I wanna get back home before morning." Alexis says.

"You are correct. Let's hurry." Omi says as he and Alexis begin running.

*Timeskip To At Night*

"Oh sweet temple! How I've missed you!" Omi says happily as he and Alexis arrive at the Xiaolin Temple gates.

"So this is your home? It seems nice." Alexis says as she looks around.

"You can always stay you know." Omi says as he looks at Alexis.

"What?" Alexis asks in surprise.

"You can stay here. With me and my friends." Omi says.

"Omi I can't do that." Alexis says as she shakes her head.

"Why not? You are not an evil person." Omi says.

"Omi I can't just abandon Chase. He's given me a home." Alexis says.

"But he isn't your friend. He will just betray you." Omi says as Alexis sighs.

"Omi I just can't. I don't belong here. I may not be evil like Chase but that doesn't mean I belong here either." Alexis says as she looks down.

"But we can help you. You just have to give us a chance." Omi says.

"I'm sorry Omi. My decision is final." Alexis says sternly as Omi sighs.

"Alright. I may not like it but I will respect it. Be careful my friend." Omi says as Alexis nods.

"You as well." Alexis says as she runs off.


"You let him walk!?" Chase shouts angrily as he is holding Alexis against a wall by her throat.

"I told you she betrayed you!" Jack shouts.

"Quite!" Chase shouts angrily.

"I couldn't do it. I couldn't harm him. He saved my life. Twice!" Alexis says before Chase throws her to the ground.

"Regardless! Your loyalty is to me. Not those monks!" Chase says angrily.

"They aren't as bad as you told me. You lied to me. You made me hate them when I should never have believed you." Alexis says as she stands up.

"Your loyalty still lays with me and unless you want to find out what happens when you betray me I suggest you remember your place." Chase says as he glares.

"I don't care. I won't fight them any longer for you." Alexis says sternly.

"Then I guess you have no problem with me attacking a woman who helped you in your past as a little pup." Chase says as Alexis gives a fearful look.

"Sarah. No! You wouldn't. She has nothing to do with this. Leave her out of it. She's the only friend I've ever known apart from Omi. I won't let you hurt her." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form growling.

"Then do as I say or I will desolate her village." Chase says sternly before Alexis reluctantly stops growling.

"Fine. What do you want me to do?" Alexis asks reluctantly.

Love Is Stronger Than Evil Xiaolin Showdown Omi X OC AlexisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang