Not So Bad

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"Ugh. What happened? Omi?" Alexis asks as she wakes up in wolf form in a cave with a bandage around her front leg before seeing it is barely light outside and Omi is fast asleep nearby.

"He... He helped me." Alexis thinks before getting up and going outside while hopping around to avoid putting pressure on her bandaged leg.

"I don't get it. After everything. Why would he help me? We're supposed to be enemies." Alexis says before she hears chirping and sees a baby bird on the ground and sees its nest in a higher up branch.

"It's okay little one. don't be afraid. i won't hurt you." Alexis says as she goes up the baby bird and gently wraps it in vines before lifting it up to the nest with the vines and placing it back in the nest.

"There you go little fella." Alexis says as she smiles.

"See? I knew you were good." A voice says startling Alexis before she sees Omi standing behind her with a smile.

"Omi!? How long have you been standing there?" Alexis asks.

"Long enough. I knew you had good inside you." Omi says happily.

"Fine. So what? You gonna go rat me out to Chase?" Alexis asks annoyedly as she pins her ears back.

"No. I want to know why you're helping chase to begin with. You might put on a charade of evil but you are not evil. I want to know why you hide it and choose to side with Chase." Omi says.

"It's act of evil and you don't know me Omi. I do what I have to do. Nothing more." Alexis says as she begins to walk away.

"But why?" Omi asks as Alexis stops and looks at him annoyed.

"You're not gonna leave me alone until I talk to you. Are you?" Alexis asks.

"In the great words of my friend Raimundo no I am not." Omi says as Alexis sighs in defeat.

"Fine. Come on then. I'll explain back at the cave." Alexis says.


"So there you have it. That's why I'm with chase's group." Alexis says while in human form as she and Omi are sitting in the cave.

"I'm so sorry Alexis. I can't imagine how that feels to have lost everyone you ever knew." Omi says.

"Yeah well being trusted after that hasn't been easy either. I figured since I was only ever gonna be seen as anything more than no good than I might as well live up to that view." Alexis says.

"But you shouldn't be trusting Chase." Omi says as Alexis looks at him.

"And why not exactly?" Alexis asks.

"He will twice cross you. it isn't worth it. trust me on that." Omi says.

"Double cross and second you don't know what's worth it to me. I have nothing to lose. Besides what choice do I have?" Alexis asks as she looks down.

"You can come with me back to the temple." Omi says kindly.

"And become a monk? After everything I've done? No thanks. If you knew what was good for you then you would have left me with the bear. It would have saved you less trouble and would have ended mine." Alexis says sadly.

"I don't believe that. I believe there can be good in everyone. Even if they don't believe it themselves." Omi says.

"Why do you care so much? I'm not one of your little friends. You have nothing to gain from me." Alexis says confusedly as she looks at Omi.

"Who said I was being kind to gain something? I'm not like Chase. I won't be nice to people to use them. I speak from experience with Chase. But I'm being kind because I would like to be your friend. I can see you have been hurt a lot. But I also see great potential in you. You just have to know how to reach it and I can help with that if you let me." Omi says as he smiles kindly.

"Even if you were to accept me Omi your friends never would. Please just leave it be. I appreciate you trying but my path is mine alone to follow... Even if it isn't preferable." Alexis says.

"If you ever change your mind I'm always willing to listen." Omi says as Alexis nods.

"Thanks. You know you're not so bad for a monk. You're kinda cute when you wanna be." Alexis says as she smiles before Omi blushes.

"Thank you." Omi says shyly.

"Come on. We should get moving." Alexis says as she stands up.

Love Is Stronger Than Evil Xiaolin Showdown Omi X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now