Xiaolin Warriors

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"Are you certain you're ready for this?" Chase asks as he, Alexis, Wuya and Jack are standing out of sight of a nearby Shen Gong Wu in ruins near a river.

"Yes master. I'm ready." Alexis says as she is standing in wolf form.

"Good." Chase says as he smiles.

"The monks should be here shortly." Wuya says.

"Why is it again we can't just go ahead and grab the Wu and get out of here?" Jack asks.

"Because I promised my prized student a fight and it will be good for them to meet her. I'm not worried." Chase says as Alexis smiles at him.

"What makes you so sure she can handle it? I mean she's a mutt." Jack says as Alexis growls at him.

"Excuse me!? You best watch yourself Spicer. Or a few choice words may be your last around here." Alexis says angrily as she snarls at Jack.

"Enough. Both of you. The monks are arriving." Chase says as the group sees a green dragon with four people arrive nearby.

"Finally." Alexis says as she shifts to human form and begins to go toward the monks and dragon.

"There's the Wu." A brown haired boy says as he sees the Wu near a pillar.

"Easy picking guys." A blonde haired boy says happily.

"I don't think so kiddies." Alexis says as she goes over.

"Who are you?" A yellow kid asks curiously.

"Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce to you my prized student Alexis young monks." Chase says as he walks into view with Wuya and Jack.

"Prized student?" A girl asks.

"That's right. And I'm not gonna let you get that Wu." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form growling.

"She can turn into a dog!?" The brown haired boy asks in surprise.

"I'm a wolf. Not a dog!" Alexis says as she growls at the kids.

"Just try and stop us." The girl shouts.

"What have you done to this girl Chase?" The yellow kid asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Why I've done nothing that she hasn't wanted Omi. I've merely given her a home and trained as she has wanted." Chase says as he chuckles.

"Enough questions. You wanted a fight then you're gonna get one." Alexis says as she growls before charging at the monks.

"We didn't want one but if that's what it takes than fine." The girl says as she and the others except for the blonde boy begin fighting with Alexis.

"Clay get the Wu. We'll deal with the girl." The brown haired boy says as Alexis sees the blonde beginning to head for the Wu.

"Oh no you don't." Alexis says as she go's after the boy only to get stopped by Omi.

"I don't know what Chase has told you but I can assure you that he can not be trusted." Omi says as Alexis glares at him.

"Save it. I think I'm capable of telling that for myself." Alexis says as she begins fighting with Omi.

"Alexis get the Wu. Now!" Chase shouts.

"Yes master!" Alexis shouts as she goes for the Wu only for Clay to grab it first.

"Sorry little lady but can't let you get this." Clay says as he holds the Wu before Alexis growls at tries to take it from him.

"Over here Clay." The girl shouts.

"Here Kimiko!" Clay shouts as he tosses it to the girl before she catches it as Alexis goes to her growling.

"Give me the Wu. Now." Alexis says as she growls.

"Not a chance. Raimundo!" Kimiko shouts as she tosses the Wu to the brown haired boy before Alexis goes to run toward him only for Omi to stop her.

"Get out of my way." Alexis says angrily.

"I do not wish to fight you." Omi says.

"Too bad because I want to fight you." Alexis says as she snarls.

"Enough games! Alexis show them what you are capable of." Chase says as Alexis nods before she then breathes fire at the monks only for them to dodge.

"Whoa. You have elemental abilities as well?" Omi asks excitedly.

"I wouldn't be too impressed kid because this isn't good for you!" Alexis says angrily as she smacks vines toward the group only to hit a pillar near the edge she is standing on as it begins to fall.

"Look out! It's gonna collapse!" Raimundo shouts as he and the other monks get out of the way of the falling pillar as it hits the ground making it begin to crumble.

"Alexis the Wu back at once!" Chase shouts angrily.

"I'm trying! Ah!" Alexis shouts in alarm as she begins to fall from the ground crumbling beneath her.

"Hang on!" Omi shouts as he runs over to Alexis and grabs her only to fall with her over the edge toward the river below.

"Omi!" Kimiko shouts as Alexis and Omi fall into the water.

Love Is Stronger Than Evil Xiaolin Showdown Omi X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now